Education Health and Care Assessments and Plans: Guidance for children and young people with a sensory impairment NatSIP Working Day Tuesday 4th June.


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Presentation transcript:

Education Health and Care Assessments and Plans: Guidance for children and young people with a sensory impairment NatSIP Working Day Tuesday 4th June 2013 Brian Gale , Director Policy & Campaigns, NDCS

Content Background: What we have done so far What we are proposing to do 2. Discuss the implications of the draft requirements for EHC Plans set out in the indicative SEN Code of Practice

What we have done so far Produced Better Assessments, Better Plans, Better Outcomes – A multidisciplinary framework for the assessment of children and young people with SI Explored how LAs have been approaching the preparation of EHC Plans drawing on the experience of Solihull

What we are proposing to do Review how authorities have used “Better Assessments, etc.” guidance on assessments Re-alignment of current assessment gathering pro-forma to reflect the required headings of the EHCP Redraft and refine guidance on assessments, taking into account indicative SEN Code of Practice and draft regulations and feedback received so far

What we are proposing to do Cont’d Collate examples and review EHCPs produced / published for SI children and young people already. Evaluate extent to which they meet of SI children and young people. Produce a number of example Plans taking into account indicative SEN Code of Practice and draft regulations. Accompanied by advice on minimum content / requirements and application of these for SI children and young people

What we are proposing to do Cont’d Advice should include guidance on long (aspirations) and short term outcomes Test the draft output, finalise guidance, disseminate, evaluate and review Any questions, suggestions, concerns on our work plan please?

Implications of the indicative code of practice and EHC assessment and Plans

Indicative draft: The (0-25) SEN COP - Para 6 Indicative draft: The (0-25) SEN COP - Para 6.9, Principles of the EHC Plans EHC Plans should be: Transparent and involve parents and young people on decisions re content Clear, concise, readable and accessible to parents, CYP and providers EHC plans should be specific about the interventions that will make a difference towards securing the agreed outcomes, and the provision needed to support this. They should not simply be a list of services. This can only be done by a careful assessment of the child or young person’s needs and the setting in which they may be educated. Provision should be detailed and specific and should normally be quantified (for example, in term s of the level of support and who will provide it) but it must be clear how the type and level of provision will support the agreed Focussed on outcomes (both short term outcomes and longer term aspirations). NOT the delivery of a service, but what the support or service is trying to achieve.

Person-centred and evidence-based. Indicative draft: The (0-25) SEN COP - Para 6.9, Principles of the EHC Plans Cont’d Person-centred and evidence-based. Focussed on outcomes (both short term outcomes and longer term aspirations). Note. An outcome is NOT the delivery of a service, but what the support or service is trying to achieve. Outcomes need to be specific, measurable, achievable and time bound.

Indicative draft: The (0-25) SEN COP - Para 6 Indicative draft: The (0-25) SEN COP - Para 6.9, Principles of the EHC Plans Cont’d Specific about the interventions required to achieve the outcomes with the provision being ‘detailed and specific and... normally quantified’ (NOT a list of services) Based on a ‘careful assessment’ of the CYP’s needs

Indicative draft: The (0-25) SEN COP - Para 6 Indicative draft: The (0-25) SEN COP - Para 6.9, Principles of the EHC Plans Cont’d Written clearly so that they can be used in any local area, particularly the assessment and outcomes information Should also include – support for key transition points Formal and informal (family and community) support

The content of an EHC Plan The exact format to be determined locally, but must include the following sections: Views, interests and aspirations of the child and their parents The CYP’s special educational needs Outcomes sought for him / her The SEN provision required Any health . Social care provision Exemplars of EHC plans developed by the SEN pathfinders will be made available to support local authorities in considering the best format for EHC plans locally. Local authorities should agree a process for how different agencies input into draft EHC plans, and how information about the content of plans collectively in a local area can inform the commissioning of education, heath, care and other services (e.g. housing and employment support). [Note: When the new duty on health commissioners to ensure provision of healthcare services specified in EHC plans has been cleared by the bill committee, it will be referenced here] [Note: Information on the interface with statutory adult social care plans set out in the draft Care and Support Bill will be referenced here]

The content of an EHC Plan Cont’d Any additional provision (e.g. Support for finding employment, housing, participation in society, etc) Name of school / maintained nursery/ post 16 provider

Questions What aspects of the Code’s requirements do colleagues feel guidance would be most helpful? What is the relationship between aspiration and outcomes?

Questions What do “specific, measurable, achievable and time bound” short and long term outcomes look like? What are the attributes a good description of a child’s SEN and how should this be recorded in the Plan?

Questions What do we need to do to ensure the provision section focuses on the interventions required to achieve the outcomes? What needs to be included in the health and social care provision aspect of the Plan?

Questions What needs to be included in “any additional provision” aspect of the Plan (eg housing, employment)?