Odd ratio of developing kidney failure figure 1


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Presentation transcript:

Odd ratio of developing kidney failure figure 1 Odd ratio of developing kidney failure figure 1.1, incident ESRD patients, 2000, adjusted for age, gender, & race Odds ratio 1.022+ (1.076) 0.961 to <1.022 0.894 to <0.961 0.791 to <0.894 below 0.791 (0.712)

Incident rates figure 1.2, ESRD patients, 2000, by HSA, smoothed & adjusted for age, gender, & Hispanic ethnicity Rate per million population 383+ (481) 316 to <383 268 to <316 236 to <268 below 236 (206)

Prevalent rates figure 1 Prevalent rates figure 1.3, ESRD patients, 2000, by HSA, smoothed & adjusted for age, gender, & Hispanic ethnicity Rate per million population 1,450+ (1,892) 1,200 to <1,450 1,050 to <1,200 940 to <1,050 below 940 (844)

Incident patients: counts table 1.a, by modality, 2000

Incident patients: counts table 1.a, by modality, 2000 (cont.)

Incident patients: rates table 1.b, by modality, 2000

Incident patients: rates table 1.b, by modality, 2000 (cont.)

Trends in incident rates & annual percent change figure 1 Trends in incident rates & annual percent change figure 1.4, rates adjusted for age, gender, & race Symbols: D% from previous year

Prevalent patient counts, by modality, 2000 table 1 Prevalent patient counts, by modality, 2000 table 1.c, December 31 point prevalent patients

Prevalent patient counts, by modality, 2000 table 1 Prevalent patient counts, by modality, 2000 table 1.c, December 31 point prevalent patients (cont.)

Prevalent patient counts, by modality, 2000 table 1 Prevalent patient counts, by modality, 2000 table 1.d, December 31 point prevalent patients

Prevalent patient counts, by modality, 2000 table 1 Prevalent patient counts, by modality, 2000 table 1.d, December 31 point prevalent patients (cont.)

Trends in prevalent rates & annual % change figure 1 Trends in prevalent rates & annual % change figure 1.5, December 31 point prevalent patients; rates adjusted for age, gender, & race Symbols: D% from previous year

Geographic variations in incident ESRD patients figure 1 Geographic variations in incident ESRD patients figure 1.6, incident rate, 1990, by HSA, unadjusted Per million population 370+ (371) 300 to <370 213 to <300 156 to <213 below 156 (135)

Geographic variations in incident ESRD patients figure 1 Geographic variations in incident ESRD patients figure 1.6, incident rate, 2000, by HSA, unadjusted Per million population 370+ (452) 300 to <370 213 to <300 156 to <213 below 156 (136

Geographic variations in incident rates of ESRD patients, & in growth over time figure 1.6, 1990-1992, by HSA, unadjusted Percent change 33.3+ (45.1) 19.2 to <33.3 8.5 to <19.2 0 to <8.5 below 0 (-8.0)

Geographic variations in incident rates of ESRD patients, & in growth over time figure 1.6, 1993-1995, by HSA, unadjusted Percent change 33.3+ (44.8) 19.2 to <33.3 8.5 to <19.2 0 to <8.5 below 0 (-7.0)

Geographic variations in incident rates of ESRD patients, & in growth over time figure 1.6, 1996-1998, by HSA, unadjusted Percent change 33.3+ (45.0) 19.2 to <33.3 8.5 to <19.2 0 to <8.5 below 0 (-7.2)

Geographic variations in incident rates of ESRD patients, & in growth over time figure 1.6, 1998-2000, by HSA, unadjusted Percent change 33.3+ (42.9) 19.2 to <33.3 8.5 to <19.2 0 to <8.5 below 0 (-9.3)

Trends in median age of incident patients, by race/ethnicity figure 1 Trends in median age of incident patients, by race/ethnicity figure 1.7, incident ESRD patients

Geographic variations in prevalent rates of ESRD patients, 1990 figure 1.8, December 31 point prevalent ESRD patients, by HSA, unadjusted Per million population 1,375+ (1,393) 1,150 to <1,375 760 to <1,150 580 to <760 below 580 (506)

Geographic variations in prevalent rates of ESRD patients, 2000 figure 1.8, December 31 point prevalent ESRD pts, by HSA, unadjusted Per million population 1,375+ (1,766) 1,150 to <1,375 760 to <1,150 580 to <760 below 580 (454)

Geographic variations in prevalent rates of ESRD patients, & in growth over time: 1990-1992 figure 1.8, December 31 point prevalent ESRD pts, by HSA, unadjusted Percent change 21.3+ (28.1) 17.0 to <21.3 10.6 to <17.0 0 to <10.6 below 0 (-2.8)

Geographic variations in prevalent rates of ESRD patients, & in growth over time: 1993-1995 figure 1.8, December 31 point prevalent ESRD pts, by HSA, unadjusted (cont.) Percent change 21.3+ (27.0) 17.0 to <21.3 10.6 to <17.0 0 to <10.6 below 0 (-2.5)

Geographic variations in prevalent rates of ESRD patients, & in growth over time: 1996-1998 figure 1.8, December 31 point prevalent ESRD pts, by HSA, unadjusted Percent change 21.3+ (26.2) 17.0 to <21.3 10.6 to <17.0 0 to <10.6 below 0 (-3.3)

Geographic variations in prevalent rates of ESRD patients, & in growth over time: 1998-2000 figure 1.8, December 31 point prevalent ESRD pts, by HSA, unadjusted (cont.) Percent change 21.3+ (25.9) 17.0 to <21.3 10.6 to <17.0 0 to <10.6 below 0 (-2.7)

Trends in median age of prevalent patients, by race/ethnicity figure 1 Dialysis Transplant

Geographic variations in prevalent rates: dialysis figure 1 Geographic variations in prevalent rates: dialysis figure 1.10, 2000, by HSA, adjusted for age, gender, & race Per million population 1,070+ (1,265) 970 to <1,070 890 to <970 810 to <890 below 810 (725)

Geographic variations in prevalent rates: transplant figure 1 Geographic variations in prevalent rates: transplant figure 1.10, 2000, by HSA, adjusted for age, gender, & race Per million population 416+ (499) 372 to <416 341 to <372 309 to <341 below 309 (280)

Geographic variations in prevalent rates of dialysis patients, by race/ethnicity: white figure 1.11, December 31 point prevalent patients, 2000, by HSA, unadjusted Per million population 1,090+ (1,224) 1,010 to <1,090 930 to <1,010 870 to <930 below 870 (788)

Geographic variations in prevalent rates of dialysis patients, by race/ethnicity: black figure 1.11, December 31 point prevalent patients, 2000, by HSA, unadjusted Per million population 3,670+ (4,046) 3,380 to <3,670 3,000 to <3,380 2,580 to <3,000 below 2,580 (2,267)

Geographic variations in prevalent rates of dialysis patients, by race/ethnicity: Native American figure 1.11, December 31 point prevalent patients, 2000, by HSA, unadjusted Per million population 2,740+ (4,564) 2,000 to <2,740 1,530 to <2,000 1,210 to <1,530 below 1,210 (986)

Geographic variations in prevalent rates of dialysis patients, by race/ethnicity: Asian figure 1.11, December 31 point prevalent patients, 2000, by HSA, unadjusted Per million population 1,200+ (1,374) 1,080 to <1,200 990 to <1,080 920 to <990 below 920 (834)

Geographic variations in prevalent rates of dialysis patients, by race/ethnicity: Hispanic figure 1.11, December 31 point prevalent patients, 2000, by HSA, unadjusted Per million population 1,020+ (1,307) 840 to <1,020 700 to <840 580 to <700 below 580 (507)

Geographic variations in prevalent rates of dialysis pts, by race/ethnicity: non-Hispanic figure 1.11, December 31 point prevalent patients, 2000, by HSA, unadjusted Per million population 1,510+ (1,928) 1,250 to <1,510 1,120 to <1,250 990 to <1,120 below 990 (867)

Trends in prevalent patient counts, by modality & race/ethnicity figure 1.12, December 31, point prevalent patients Dialysis Transplant

Geographic variations in prevalent rates of dialysis patients, by race/ethnicity: 1990-2000, white figure 1.13, December 31 point prevalent patients, by HSA, unadjusted Percent change 125.0+ (152.0) 105.0 to <125.0 88.0 to <105.0 71.0 to <88.0 below 71.0 (56.0)

Geographic variations in prevalent rates of dialysis patients, by race/ethnicity: 1990-2000, black figure 1.13, December 31 point prevalent patients, by HSA, unadjusted Percent change 96.7+ (127.7) 77.9 to <96.7 62.0 to <77.9 46.3 to <62.0 below 46.3 (30.3)

Geographic variations in prevalent rates of dialysis patients, by race/ethnicity: 1990-2000, Native Am. figure 1.13, December 31 point prevalent patients, by HSA, unadjusted Percent change 211.0 (529.1) 112.5 to <211.0 65.9 to <112.5 31.6 to <65.9 below 31.6 (7.2)

Geographic variations in prevalent rates of dialysis patients, by race/ethnicity: 1990-2000, Asian figure 1.13, December 31 point prevalent patients, by HSA, unadjusted Percent change 86.3+ (126.8) 61.5 to <86.3 43.9 to <61.5 31.5 to <43.9 below 31.5 (20.0)

Geographic variations in prevalent rates of dialysis patients, by race/ethnicity: 1990-2000, Hispanic figure 1.13, December 31 point prevalent patients, by HSA, unadjusted Percent change 622+ (1,536) 510 to <622 422 to <510 361 to <422 below 361 (305)

Geographic variations in prevalent rates of dialysis patients, by race/ethnicity: 1990-2000, non-Hispanic figure 1.13, December 31 point prevalent patients, by HSA, unadjusted Percent change 124.4+ (155.1) 98.8 to <124.4 80.2 to <98.8 57.9 to <80.2 below 57.9 (37.8)

Incident patient demographics, 1990-2000 table 1 Incident patient demographics, 1990-2000 table 1.e, by primary diagnosis & first modality: column percent

Incident patient demographics, 1990-2000 table 1 Incident patient demographics, 1990-2000 table 1.e, by primary diagnosis & first modality: column percent (cont.)

Trends in incident rates, by primary diagnosis figure 1 Trends in incident rates, by primary diagnosis figure 1.14, adjusted for age, gender, race

Trends in incident rates, by race/ethnicity figure 1 Trends in incident rates, by race/ethnicity figure 1.15, adjusted for age, gender, race

Trends in incident rates, by race/ethnicity & primary diagnosis figure 1.16, adjusted for age & gender

Incident patient demographics, 1990-2000, by primary diagnosis & first modality: row percent table 1.f

Incident patient demographics, 1990-2000, by primary diagnosis & first modality: row percent table 1.f (cont.)

Geographic variations in incident rates, by primary diagnosis: diabetes, 1990 figure 1.17, by HSA, unadjusted Per million population 205+ (260) 125 to <205 57 to <125 49 to <57 below 49 (44)

Geographic variations in incident rates, by primary diagnosis: diabetes, 2000 figure 1.17, by HSA, unadjusted Per million population 205+ (245) 125 to <205 57 to <125 49 to <57 below 49 (NA)

Geographic variations in incident rates, by primary diagnosis: diabetes: 1990-2000 figure 1.17, by HSA, unadjusted Percent change 186+ (241) 148 to <186 119 to <148 90 to <119 below 90 (65)

Geographic variations in incident rates, by primary diagnosis: hypertension, 1990 figure 1.18, by HSA, unadjusted Per million population 106.1+ (119.6) 76.2 to <106.1 60.4 to <76.2 46.6 to <60.4 below 46.6 (33.8)

Geographic variations in incident rates, by primary diagnosis: hypertension, 2000 figure 1.18, by HSA, unadjusted Per million population 106.1+ (149.0) 76.2 to <106.1 60.4 to <76.2 46.6 to <60.4 below 46.6 (34.7)

Geographic variations in incident rates, by primary diagnosis: hypertension, 1990-2000 figure 1.18, by HSA, unadjusted Percent change 102.5+ (143.6) 66.7 to <102.5 44.1 to <66.7 23.0 to <44.1 below 23.0 (4.5)

Geographic variations in incident rates: IgA nephropathy/Berger’s figure 1.19, 1990-2000 combined, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 1.65+ (1.82) 1.45 to <1.65 1.28 to <1.45 1.11 to <1.28 below 1.11 (0.98)

Patient distribution, by age, race, & gender: IgA nephropathy/Berger’s figure 1.20, incident ESRD patients, 1990-2000 combined

Geographic variations in incident rates: Goodpasture’s syndrome figure 1.21, incident ESRD patients, 1990-2000 combined, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 0.425+ (0.50) 0.377 to <0.425 0.337 to <0.377 0.289 to <0.337 below 0.289 (0.253)

Patient distribution, by age, race, & gender: Goodpasture’s syndrome figure 1.22, incident ESRD patients, 1990-2000 combined

Geographic variations in incident rates: Lupus erythematosus (SLE nephritis) figure 1.23, incident ESRD patients, 1990-2000 combined, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 3.49+ (4.64) 2.55 to <3.49 2.10 to <2.55 1.79 to <2.10 below 1.79 (1.57)

Patient distribution, by age, race, & gender: Lupus erythematosus (SLE nephritis) figure 1.24, incident ESRD patients, 1990-2000 combined

Geographic variations in incident rates: Other secondary GN/vasculitis figure 1.25, incident ESRD patients, 1990-2000 combined Percent of patients 2.12+ (2.55) 1.83 to <2.12 1.58 to <1.83 1.38 to <1.58 below 1.38 (1.22)

Patient distribution, by age, race, & gender: other secondary GN/vasculitis figure 1.26, incident ESRD patients, 1990-2000 combined

Geographic variations in incident rates: Scleroderma figure 1 Geographic variations in incident rates: Scleroderma figure 1.27, incident ESRD patients, 1990-2000 combined, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 0.595+ (0.621) 0.562 to <0.595 0.541 to <0.562 0.512 to <0.541 below 0.512 (0.468)

Patient distribution, by age, race, & gender: Scleroderma figure 1 Patient distribution, by age, race, & gender: Scleroderma figure 1.28, rates adjusted for age, gender, & race

Geographic variations in incident rates: Alport’s, other hereditary/familial disease figure 1.29, incident ESRD patients, 1990-2000 combined, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 0.679+ (0.809) 0.595 to <0.679 0.535 to <0.595 0.466 to <0.535 below 0.466 (0.415)

Patient distribution, by age, race, & gender: Alport’s, other hereditary/familial disease figure 1.30, rates adjusted for age, gender, & race

Geographic variations in incident rates: Multiple myeloma & light chain nephropathy figure 1.31, incident ESRD patients, 1990-2000 combined, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 2.83+ (3.11) 2.60 to <2.83 2.43 to <2.60 2.16 to <2.43 below 2.16 (1.91)

Patient distribution, by age, race, & gender: Multiple myeloma & light chain nephropathy figure 1.32, rates adjusted for age, gender, & race

Geographic variations in incident rates: AIDS nephropathy figure 1 Geographic variations in incident rates: AIDS nephropathy figure 1.33, incident ESRD patients, 1990-2000 combined, by HSA, unadjusted Percent of patients 1.03+ (3.12) 0.35 to <1.03 0.22 to <0.35 0.13 to <0.22 below 0.13 (0.08)

Patient distribution, by age, race, & gender: AIDS nephropathy figure 1.34, incident ESRD patients, 1990-2000 combined, by HSA, unadjusted

Patient counts, by disease figure 1 Patient counts, by disease figure 1.35, incident ESRD patients, 1990-2000 combined * * Under-estimate of patient counts based on coding

Distribution of Hispanic patients & patients with diabetes, by ESRD network, 2000 figure 1.36

Distribution of black patients & patients with hypertension, by ESRD network, 2000 figure 1.37

Distribution of Asian patients & patients with glomerulonephritis, by ESRD network, 2000 figure 1.38

Geographic variations in mean age, by HSA & ESRD network figure 1 Geographic variations in mean age, by HSA & ESRD network figure 1.39, incident ESRD patients, 1998-2000 combined Mean age 63.6+ (64.7) 62.2 to <63.6 61.1 to <62.2 59.9 to <61.1 below 59.9 (58.8)

Geographic variations in mean age, by HSA & ESRD network figure 1 Geographic variations in mean age, by HSA & ESRD network figure 1.39, prevalent patients, 2000, by HSA, unadjusted Mean age 57.6+ (58.5) 56.7 to <57.6 56.2 to <56.7 55.3 to <56.2 below 55.3 (54.5)

Patient demographics, by ESRD network, incident dialysis patients: 2000 table 1.g

Patient demographics, by ESRD network, incident dialysis patients: 2000 table 1.g (cont.)

Patient demographics, by ESRD network, point prevalent dialysis patients: 2000 table 1.h

Patient demographics, by ESRD network, point prevalent dialysis patients: 2000 table 1.h (cont.)

Patient demographics, by ESRD network, point prevalent transplant patients: 2000 table 1.i

Patient demographics, by ESRD network, point prevalent transplant patients: 2000 table 1.I (cont.)