Today you need: Have out the following items on your desk: Pen or Pencil Sheet of paper Frog diagram
Virtual Frog Dissection On your piece of notebook paper write: Name, Date, Class Period - top right corner Title: Virtual Frog Dissection Number 1-5, skip a space Write “Quiz”, skip a space Number 1-5 Clear everything else off of your desk! Turn to page 6 in the frog dissection binder and label your frog diagram. Use the ipad and open the frog dissection app.
Virtual Frog Dissection You will need to complete the following assignments in this order: Write 5 facts from the “All About Frogs” Section Complete the “Start Dissection” Complete the “Quiz” In order to move on, you must get at least a 20/25 When you have that score – show your neighbor and have them sign off on your paper! Compare 5 different facts about “Human v. Frog” Write them down Explore!