Nicholas was personally a very weak man; he became more and more unaware of the people’s problems The people were very poor peasants, overworked and unhappy. The Romanovs live in excessive wealth and comfort.
The Revolution of 1905 On 22 January 1905, the revolution was sparked by an event that became known as “Bloody Sunday”. A peaceful demonstration of 200,000 men, women and children at the Winter Palace in St Petersburg asked for reform and an end to the war. The police and troops guarding the palace opened fire and over 1000 people were killed or wounded.
The czar signed the October Manifesto – creating Parliament, DUMA. Russia became a constitutional Monarchy. However, the Czar did not keep his promises and did not release any of his power.
Rasputin is assassinated in December of 1916. He had become too powerful so he was murder by Romanov's uncles.
World War I: “The Last Straw” The war showed the ineptitude and arrogance of the Czar and the royals. The corrupt military leaders did not care about the ordinary Russian people. Also the average peasant had very little reason to care about the war. World War I put added stress on the already weak hold of the royal family.
There were mass desertions and two million casualties There were mass desertions and two million casualties . This created chaos and disintegration of the Russian Army. This created chaos and disintegration of the Russian Army.
The Two Revolutions of 1917 The March Revolution (March 12) The November Revolution (November 6)
The March Revolution Food riots and strikes set of the March Revolution. A Provisional Government took over running the country on March12. Tsar ordered soldiers to go against the revolt, however they joined the revolution instead. Amnesty was given to all political prisoners.
A Provisional Government takes power. It is led by Alexander Kerensky A Provisional Government takes power. It is led by Alexander Kerensky. But, the new government stayed in the war.
Nicholas Romanov II was forced to abdicate the throne on15 March 1917.
The Romanov family was held in captivity.
July 17, 1918 : The Romanov family was murdered by Bolsheviks.
Founder of Bolshevism: Vladimir Lenin Lenin had been imprisoned then exiled to Siberia in 1897. He moved to London in 1902 and befriended Leon Trotsky. He was committed to the class struggle and revolution. He returned to Russia in 1917 when amnesty was given to political prisoners.
Lenin Steps In Advocated the ideals of Karl Marx. Lenin was a tremendously charismatic leader. His mottos “Peace, Land, Bread” “All Power to the Soviets” He preached that the war was a capitalist and imperialist war that offered no rewards for the peasant workers. Bolshevik party membership exploded; their power was consolidated
THE FATHER OF COMMUNISM KARL MARX: THE FATHER OF COMMUNISM Invented Communism, The Communist Manifesto Published 1847 Marx believed that the private ownership of land must be abolished. Believed in a “Communal” way of life where everyone shares in prosperity. “Workers of the world unite“ to take over the government Dies before Russian Revolution
The Theory of Capitalism Encourage competition between citizens Provide rewards unequally. All people equal Problems with Capitalism (according to Communists) The wealthy get rich at the expense of the poor. They hoard resources for themselves and deny the poor opportunities
Solution to Capitalism? COMMUNISM: Equal distribution of goods and services Government owns everything People own government Rich must give their surpluses to poor
Supposed Results of Communism Poverty, ignorance and starvation will vanish Each will work based on his/her abilities Each will consume only what he/she needs No one will have more than anyone else
Lenin, a Russian revolutionary, took power in the name of the Communist Party.