Welcome to canSAS IX Getting started: Brief history of canSAS


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to canSAS IX Getting started: Brief history of canSAS Current status of activities Purpose and Goals ng/workshop” Role of canSAS workshops Meeting orientation Today’s orientation and preview

canSAS - a brief history canSAS: Collective Action(Aid) for Nomadic Small Angle Scatterers Grenoble Feb. 1998 – Looking for seamless interchange of reduced data. Brookhaven at SAS 99 - Useful discussion but venue not conducive to get work done Grenoble May 2001 – “Aid”  “Action”. Importance of other issues discussed. RAL May 2004 – Significantly expand beyond format and software. NIST Oct 2007 – Working Groups created to achieve “action” Oxford - SAS 2009 – Afternoon session presentations and discussion Uppsala July 2012 – Small working meeting – significant progress on “action” part. (Discussion at lunch of SAS 2012 in Sydney) Tokai April 2015 – GISAS, NXcanSAS and agree to try for regular 3 year meetings (Discussion at lunch at SAS 2015 in Berlin) Berkeley, June 5-7, 2017.

1998 2001 2004 2012 2007 2015

canSAS: current status of activities Information, education and outreach Web page at www.cansas.org Community wiki at www.cansas.org/wgwiki/index.php/canSAS SAS Portal at www.smallangle.org Reproducibility and Reliability Round Robin work Glassy Carbon is now available as an SRM Data formats work 1D format approved May 2009 (1.0) and 2013 (1.1) nD ratified by NeXus Inter. Adv. Comm. End of 2016 IGOR working group resolved conflicts and was sunseted Apr 2015 New GISAS working group created Apr 2015 - new direction

canSAS: Purpose and Goals A self assembled (grass roots) group of SAS practitioners, users and facility people, who come together to: Share and learn about emerging opportunities and new developments in the field and challenges that they pose. Build new collaborations Work co-operatively to improve the field for all by: Helping to develop and disseminate best practices Identifying emerging & problem areas and the needs associated with them Improving the state of the art by identifying and providing solutions to the challenges Fostering/Encouraging/Building common “tools” and “language” for SAS practitioners.

Role of canSAS workshops Strong overlap with SAS meetings but fulfils different role Presentations – looking beyond the “typical data set” from the “world’s best” instrument. New directions and opportunities But also -- challenges Workshops aim to maximize interactions between participants with informal and in-depth discussions Workshops provide an opportunity to find some realistic practical solutions that can be worked on NOW. You can learn a lot more from failure than success

Each has block in the schedule. canSAS IX : Meeting Orientation Four topics Each has block in the schedule. Starts with series of talks highlighting cutting edge activities and current challenges. Followed by 1.5 h to 2 h breakout discussion groups (~10/group) Finish with 30 min plenary: summary and outcomes Two topics today Monday Reproducibility and Reliability Information, Education and outreach

canSAS IX : Meeting Orientation and Goals Monday Plan Each topic has 3 20 min talks followed by 1.5 h breakout discussion End of day 2 back to back plenary summary and outcomes Breakouts Need lead and/or rapporteur to lead/moderate discussion Report to plenary ~ 3 “bullet point” style Highlights of discussion USE WIKI to create live notes if possible. Goals Identify current challenges and problem areas. Possibly identify concrete actions to address some problems.

canSAS IX : Reproducibility and Reliability A Definition: To what extent can I be sure that the set of material property parameters extracted from my measurement represent the real parameters of my system? At the level that I need to know? Some discussion starting points How do analyzed results (final parameters extracted) from different techniques, including emerging techniques, compare? Sources of uncertainties and resolution: how to identify and handle? How to properly propagate and report uncertainties in co-refined data sets or in refinement constrained by results from other techniques? Can we/should we develop new reference samples? How? Aggregating/curating important information (e.g. instr. params. from SAS tools and scattering patterns from common standards)? How? Best practices for handling of coherent/incoherent and inelastic scattering? OTHER?....

canSAS IX : Information/Education/Outreach Some discussion starting points What is lacking – what is feasible? Development and maintain sas portal? How? What priorities? Aggregating existing instructional materials? How? Creating new instructional media? What and how? Generating scientific case studies? How? NXcanSAS standard – How to disseminate? What is next? OTHER? ….