Teacher Evaluation Performance Categories Rose Hermodson Assistant Commissioner Minnesota Department of Education May 24, 2012
Agreement on Fundamentals education.state.mn.us Agreement on Fundamentals What are the model components? How many performance categories? What does the process look like?
Agreement on Fundamentals education.state.mn.us Agreement on Fundamentals
Performance Categories education.state.mn.us How Many? What do we name them? Three? Exemplary; Proficient; Unsatisfactory Above Standards; Meets Standards; Below Standards Four? Highly Effective, Effective; Partially Effective; Ineffective Five? Distinguished; Master; Satisfactory; Developing; Unsatisfactory
Performance Categories education.state.mn.us Descriptors: How to we describe each category? Consistently exceeds standards. Exceeds standards in most areas. Meets standards in all areas. Does not meet standards.
Delaware education.state.mn.us Distinguished - Evidence of exceptional performance; outstanding knowledge, implementation, and integration of teaching standards along with evidence of leadership initiative and willingness to model and/or serve as a mentor for colleagues. Proficient - Evidence of solid performance; strong knowledge, implementation, and integration of teaching standards; clear evidence of proficiency and skill in the component/criterion. Basic - Evidence of novice performance; fundamental knowledge and implementation of teaching standards. Integration Unsatisfactory - Little or no knowledge and minimal implementation of teaching standards. Does not meet minimal teaching standards and needs substantial improvement.
Indiana education.state.mn.us Highly Effective - Consistently exceeds expectations for professional practice, student achievement and professional contribution to the school or corporation. Effective - Consistently meets expectations for professional practice, student achievement and professional contribution to the school or corporation. Improvement Necessary - Room for growth in professional practice, student achievement and professional contribution to school or corporation. Ineffective - Consistently fails to meet expectations for professional practice, student achievement and contribution to school or corporation.
Massachusetts education.state.mn.us Exemplary - Performance on an Indicator or Standard that is of such a high level that it could serve as a model. Proficient - Performance is understood to be fully satisfactory. This is the rigorous expected level of performance; demanding, but attainable. Needs Improvement - Performance that is below the requirements of a Standard but is not considered to be Unsatisfactory at the time. Improvement is necessary and expected. Unsatisfactory - Performance has not significantly improved following a rating of Needs Improvement, or performance is consistently below the requirements of a standard and is considered inadequate, or both.
Minnesota Principal Model education.state.mn.us Distinguished: Consistently exceeds standards of performance. Accomplished: Consistently meets standards of performance. Satisfactory: Demonstrates satisfactory competence on standards of performance. Unsatisfactory: Does not meet acceptable standards of performance. Developing: The designation of “developing” may be added to one of the above ratings where a limited number of performance items are targeted and where one of the following conditions exist: Principal is a probationary principal, Principal assumed a new assignment, A significant change has occurred in district goals, curricula, leadership, or strategic vision during the year.
Agreement on Fundamentals education.state.mn.us Components of Summative Evaluation Component I: Observation/Formative Evaluation Component II: Assessment Data (35%) What are options? MCA’s End of course test Teacher designed NWEA Other tests Component III: Student Engagement & Connections What are options? Surveys? Other? Observations?
What is purpose of evaluation? education.state.mn.us Summative Results: Teacher receives a rating Where is dividing line between ratings? Who decides?
Summative Evaluation Performance Results Evaluation by Trained Evaluator, Peer Review or Portfolio Evidence of professional practice gained through observations and other evidences. Student Performance Measures Multiple measures of student performance using available data, including measures of student learning and growth. Student Engagement and Connection Additional evidences related to competencies like student input including surveys. Highly Effective Consistently exceeds standards of performance. Effective Consistently meets standards of performance. Proficient Demonstrates satisfactory competence on levels of performance Unsatisfactory Does not meet acceptable standards of performance Self-directed growth plan. Eligible for additional roles; responsibilities; Mentor/Coach Self-directed growth plan. One-year jointly developed growth plan. One-year improvement plan developed by evaluator. Improves Does Not Improve Discipline per Minnesota Statute 122A.40 or 122A.41 or local district option. .
What does this all mean? education.state.mn.us
Minnesota Under NCLB Waiver—Must have at least three Category 1: education.state.mn.us Under NCLB Waiver—Must have at least three Category 1: Category 2: Category 3: