Establishment of SWOG Publications Committee MISSION: “…to assist in overseeing SWOG publications and presentations…”. Consistent with other NCTN groups, permanent establishment of a Publications Committee recommended by BOG in 2015 Liaison with NCTN Intergroup Publications Authorship Policy Working Group December 2015: Dr. Hagen Kennecke appointed as Publications Committee Chair 2016: Appointment of Committee and development of TOR
SWOG Publications Committee Members (appointed in February, 2016 for term 2016-2018) Hagen Kennecke, MD, SWOG Publications Committee Chair; Associate Professor of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Virginia Mason Cancer Institute. Amy Geschwender, PhD, SWOG Patient Advocate Committee; LI-COR Biosciences, and American Cancer Society] Julie R. Gralow, MD, SWOG Executive Officer; Professor, University of Washington; Director, Breast Medical Oncology, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Robert Z. Orlowski, MD, PhD, Chair, SWOG Myeloma Committee; Professor, Division of Cancer Medicine, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center N. Lynn Henry, MD, PhD, Co-Chair, SWOG Symptom Control & Quality of Life Committee; Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Utah; Director, Breast Medical Oncology, Huntsman Cancer Institute James M. Rae, Ph.D., SWOG Executive Officer; Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology, University of Michigan Joseph M. Unger, PhD, Biostatistician, SWOG Statistical Center; Assistant Member, Public Health Sciences Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Nathan Eriksen, SWOG Chief of Administration Patricia Arlauskas, SWOG Publications Coordinator
Proposed revisions for ratification include: Progress of Committee: Major Recommended Changes to Procedural Guidelines for SWOG Publications (Policy #24) Proposed revisions for ratification include: Revised formula for accrual authorship: 5% 15% 25% Author selection guidelines expanded to include secondary endpoints, translational medicine and dataset analyses papers New term limits for disease/discipline committee chairs as relates to senior authorship Inclusion of disease committee vice chair, organ site or subcommittee co-chair in authorship at discretion of disease/discipline committee chair
Major Recommended Changes– cont. At recommendation of disease site/discipline chairs, ability to include additional authors from the other participating cooperative groups in SWOG-led study publications Senior NCORP author placement will be determined by the co-chair with the proportionately larger role/contribution to the study Dual/equal contribution authorship sequence to be determined by disease/discipline committee chair Posthumous recognition of investigators addressed Procedure for crediting editorials authored by SWOG investigators Procedure for adjudication of exceptions to policy guidelines Mandatory use of new SWOG/NCI logos in scientific meeting oral/poster presentations
Upcoming Work: Integrate awaited NCTN Intergroup Publications Authorship Policy Working Group recommendations. Including “Study Champions” as additional authors
SWOG Publications 2012-2017 YTD Manuscripts Abstracts/Presentations Total 2012 65 68 133 2013 84 46 130 2014 88 64 152 2015 103 80 183 2016 90 65 155 2017 (YTD 9/8/17) 54 67 121 Total 484 390 874