GOOD MORNING…. LET’S GET READY FOR CLASS. Put away all Electronics. Cell Phones are electronics. Take one(1) handout on GREEN table please. Grab your folder from Class Period Box. ABSENT Last week? Check BINDER and Absent File for any work missed. Absent File contains any handouts and BINDER contains all PPT’s (instruction).
BELLWORK : TUESDAY AUGUST 29, 2017 8-29: Utilize each word in a separate sentence. progressive movement industrial revolution activist persist
CLASSWORK: TUESDAY AUGUST 29, 2017 Article we will be reading: GLOBAL CONFLICTS: PUTTING AN END TO CHILD LABOR. Take out handouts you obtained from GREEN table.
GLOBAL CONFLICTS: PUTTING AN END TO CHILD LABOR BACKGROUND: In this lesson, you will be learning about the difficult problem of child labor. According to the International Labor Organization, there were an estimated 168 million children between the ages of 5 and 17 working around the world in 2012. Some work in factories, on farms, and on fishing boats, while others are involved in domestic work. Most of these child laborers are working in South Asia, in countries such as Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. These children work to help support their families. Some children work because their families cannot afford to send them to school. Government officials from all over the world are involved in efforts aimed at reducing or even eliminating child labor. You will be reading about the child labor problems that exist today, as well as about child labor in the United States during the Industrial Revolution in the early 1900s. Think about the central ideas found in each text and to record the key details that support these central ideas.
GLOBAL CONFLICTS: PUTTING AN END TO CHILD LABOR KEY CONCEPTS: The International Labor Organization said there were 122 million children working in Asia in 2004. While child labor rates fell between 2000 and 2004, leaders say the decline is not happening fast enough. Child labor often develops because families cannot make ends meet and need extra income. In other cases, parents want to send their children to school but cannot afford the related fees. The ILO hopes to end some of the worst forms of child labor within the next 10 years.
Video – I.L.O. reports on child labour globally
SQ3R Complete 1st two sections: SURVEY QUESTION
TEAM JORDAN: ROTATION #1: Computer. 1. Number paragraphs on Article. 2. Read story – GLOBAL CONFLICTS: PUTTING AN END TO CHILD LABOR. 3. Complete Activity Questions. 4. Begin MAIN IDEA CHART Graphic Organizer. ROTATION #2: SMALL GROUP WITH TEACHER. 1. Re-Read story. 2. Complete Stretch Questions. Attach to packet. 3. Continue working on MAIN IDEA CHART G.O. ROTATION #3: INDEPENDENT GROUP. 1. Re-read story outloud (each person reads 2-3 sections). 2. Complete MAIN IDEA CHART. G.O.
TEAM SOSSA: ROTATION #2: INDEPENDENT GROUP. ROTATION #3: Computer. ROTATION #1: SMALL GROUP WITH TEACHER. Number paragraphs on Article. Read story. Complete Stretch Questions. Attach to packet. ROTATION #2: INDEPENDENT GROUP. Re-read story outloud (each person reads 2-3 sections). Complete MAIN IDEA CHART. G.O. ROTATION #3: Computer. Read story – GLOBAL CONFLICTS: PUTTING AN END TO CHILD LABOR. Complete Activity Questions. Begin MAIN IDEA CHART Graphic Organizer.
TEAM payton: ROTATION #1: INDEPENDENT GROUP. ROTATION #2: Computer. Number paragraphs on Article. Read story outloud (each person reads 2-3 sections). Begin MAIN IDEA CHART. G.O. (find text evidence for details, statistics/quotes for examples) ROTATION #2: Computer. Read story – GLOBAL CONFLICTS: PUTTING AN END TO CHILD LABOR. Complete Activity Questions. Complete MAIN IDEA CHART Graphic Organizer. ROTATION #3: SMALL GROUP WITH TEACHER. Re-Read story. Complete Stretch Questions. Attach to packet.
TICKET OUT THE DOOR: Monday AUGUST 28, 2017 Do you think some problems are too big to fix? Explain.