TCC College Readiness TCC College Readiness: Foundational Skills for Success in College and Career Tarrant County College College Readiness Team Friday, April 21, 2017
Presentation Overview TCC College Readiness Presentation Overview History of TCC College Readiness Dr. Rosalyn Walker, Director of Academic Operations Reading and Writing Classes: Staff, Modalities, and Teaching Tools Dr. Angela Pettit, Reading and Writing ACT Chair Math Classes: Staff, Modalities, and Teaching Tools Cathryn Miller, Math ACT Chair Reading and Writing Student Success by the Numbers Lisa Benedetti, Humanities Dean Math Student Success by the Numbers Dr. Tommy Awtry, Math and Sciences Dean Reading and Writing Instructor Success Stories O.W. Petcoff, Reading and Writing Instructor/Counselor Math Instructor Success Stories Catherine Carter, Math Instructor/Counselor Summary Questions and Answers
History of TCC College Readiness
History: Grant and Data TCC College Readiness History: Grant and Data DEDP Grant from THECB in 2010 Learning Communities: RDNG 0361 ENGL 0324 MATH 0302 Human Relations Data revealed that students scoring middle school or below would benefit from enrichment prior to enrolling in the developmental sequence.
History: Placement by TSI Scores TCC College Readiness History: Placement by TSI Scores Most students are placed in College Readiness classes based on TSI score(s): TSI Writing: Essay 0-4 Sentence Skills 310-349 TSI Math: 301-335 TSI Reading: 310-341 Also, if a student’s Adult Basic Education level is 1-4, then the student is required to take the corresponding College Readiness course.
History: Non-TSI Liable Students TCC College Readiness History: Non-TSI Liable Students Not all students who take College Readiness classes are TSI liable. Such students may include the following: Veterans who ask for a class to help review before enrolling in credit courses Students on academic suspension or probation attending as part of the plan they have developed with their advisor ESOL students who take College Readiness courses in tandem with ESOL courses Any student who wishes to enroll
History: Task Force and Name Change TCC College Readiness History: Task Force and Name Change October 2015: Vice Chancellor Gates-Black charged the Developmental Task Force to review ABE Program moved from CIE to Academic Name changed from Adult Education to College Readiness College Readiness Instructor/Counselor positions created and implemented District-wide
Reading and Writing Classes: Staff, Modalities, and Teaching Tools TCC College Readiness Reading and Writing Classes: Staff, Modalities, and Teaching Tools
Reading and Writing Classes TCC College Readiness Reading and Writing Classes Instructor/Counselor and Instructors Full-Time Adjunct Classes: RDNG 0090, ENGL 0090 (Fall 2017: INRW 0090) Modalities Teaching Tools Connect Open Educational Resources (OER) Instructor-created Materials Successful Completion/Exit Criteria
Math Classes: Staff, Modalities, and Teaching Tools TCC College Readiness Math Classes: Staff, Modalities, and Teaching Tools
Math Classes Instructor/Counselor and Instructors Classes: MATH 0090 TCC College Readiness Math Classes Instructor/Counselor and Instructors Full-Time Adjunct Classes: MATH 0090 Modalities Teaching Tools ALEKS Open Educational Resources (OER) Instructor-created Materials Successful Completion/Exit Criteria
Reading and Writing Student Success by the Numbers TCC College Readiness Reading and Writing Student Success by the Numbers
TCC College Readiness RDNG 0090 – Fall 2016
TCC College Readiness ENGL 0090 – Fall 2016
Math Student Success by the Numbers TCC College Readiness Math Student Success by the Numbers
TCC College Readiness MATH 0090 – Fall 2016
Reading and Writing Instructor Success Stories TCC College Readiness Reading and Writing Instructor Success Stories
Math Instructor Success Stories TCC College Readiness Math Instructor Success Stories
Summary/Questions and Answers TCC College Readiness Summary/Questions and Answers