Don’t Forget This Stuff! REVIEW JEOPARDY Don’t Forget This Stuff! Afrindia Chapan Land Lubbers STUFF MYSTERY STUFF PLOT Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Don’t Forget This Stuff! This unfair trial of a military officer showed a degree of anti-Semitism in France.
$200 Don’t Forget This Stuff! His major work, The Interpretation of Dreams, was psychologically groundbreaking. Around the same time that book came out, women were making a big push to get this.
$300 Don’t Forget This Stuff! This is the “invisible export” of European countries, especially Great Britain. It was important, especially when these started to become greater than exports.
$400 Don’t Forget This Stuff! Three changes that came during the “New Industrial Revolution”.
$500 Don’t Forget This Stuff! The top three producers in steel and railroads in Europe, the country across the Atlantic that several invested in, and the one that heavily invested in Russia.
$100 Afrindia Three countries whose East-West African dreams were thwarted, the country that thwarted them, and one country that was happy to just own a big middle chunk of Africa.
$200 Afrindia The native soldiers of the British East India Company, the year they revolted, the reason they revolted, and the result of that revolution.
$300 Afrindia The man who opened Africa – despite being mauled by a lion! – and the man who went looking for him. And for fun, the location of the conference to divide up that “magnificent cake”.
They’re three types of imperialism, and an example of each. $400 Afrindia They’re three types of imperialism, and an example of each.
$500 Afrindia It’s the group that was formed to give the Indians a say in their government, and other group that consequently formed in response.
$100 Chapan Treaty that first gave GB trading rights in China, the war that led to that treaty, and the treaty the U.S. signed with Japan to open trading rights there.
$200 Chapan War that put Japan on the map, and the place they set the tone for the war with a surprise attack. (If it helps, this is the peninsula that place was at the end of.)
$300 Chapan The power of Christ compelled the revolutionaries in this Chinese uprising, but the anger at foreigners led to this one.
$400 Chapan The era when Japan decided it had to modernize and accept Western values into its society, and the countries that advised their army and navy, respectively.
$500 Chapan The northeastern-most region of China, and two countries who desperately wanted it, plus the island off the coast they ended up splitting.
$100 Land Lubbers The volatile peninsula at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, and the two empires that owned land there.
$200 Land Lubbers Three countries outside of the Ottomans who wanted Middle Eastern land, and the discovery that made the region even more valuable around 1900.
$300 Land Lubbers This treaty settle Russia’s losing effort with their island neighbors in Asia. Afterwards, they turned their attention to these “cousins” and enjoyed huge investment from this power.
$400 Land Lubbers The crazy Ottoman ruler that gave and took back a constitution, the country he lost a war to, and the treaty that settled the war (and was overturned here).
$500 Land Lubbers
$100 Stuff The treaty system implied that European powers could have these in China, and three that took advantage of the situation.
$200 Stuff British queen who oversaw the Age of Imperialism, and a man who conquered much of Africa for her. (You might say he was her imperial “diamond.”
$400 Stuff It’s how the British gained control of the Suez Canal, and the Muslim fanatic who threatened the British hold on it by rebelling in this country.
$300 Stuff You live in another country, but get to follow your native country’s laws.
$500 Stuff The term King Leopold II of Belgium used to describe Africa, the location of the congress to split up the continent, and the invention that opened Africa.
It’s what EVE was sent to find on Earth. $100 Mystery Stuff It’s what EVE was sent to find on Earth.
$200 Mystery Stuff It’s the station that has shows like All Things Considered, A Prairie Home Companion, and On the Media.
$300 Mystery Stuff The four U.S. Presidents who have been assassinated, AND one of the Presidents who was shot but did not die.
$400 Mystery Stuff “A horse, a horse! My kingdom for a horse!” is a famous line from what author’s work?
$500 Mystery Stuff “Take a sad song and make it better” and “you have found her, now go and get her” are pieces of advice for this person.