Reading Check 1) Name one reason that prevented Europeans from dominating Africa before the industrial revolution 2) Name one external force that allowed Europeans to enter Africa 3) Name one internal force that allowed Europeans to enter Africa 4) Which two countries fought in the Boer War?
Conversation What is Imperialism? How would you describe Africa before Imperialism? What are three things that prevented Europeans from controlling Africa? What sparked interest about the Congo?
More Conversation Economic force that drove imperialism? Political force that drove imperialism? Social force that drove imperialism? Two different reasons What forces allowed Europeans to enter Africa? What can you infer about the Europeans’ attitude toward Africans from the Berlin Conference?
The Boer War
Forms of Imperialism 1) Colony- A country or region governed internally by a foreign power. Ex. Somaliland in East Africa was a French colony
Forms of Imperialism 2) Protectorate- a country or territory with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power Ex. Britain established a protectorate over the Niger River Delta
Forms of Imperialism Sphere of Influence- An area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges. Ex. Liberia was under the sphere of influence of the United States
Forms of Imperialism 4) Economic Imperialism- Independent but less developed nations controlled by private business interest rates rather than by other governments. Ex. The Dole Fruit company controlled pineapple trade in Hawaii
Which two forms of control are guided by interests in business or trade? What is the difference between a protectorate and a colony?
Direct and Indirect Control How did European rulers manage day-to-day affairs of their imperialized nations? **The management methods used had an influence on the type of government chosen in the new nation**
Indirect Control Local government officials were used Limited self-rule Goal: to develop future leaders Government institutions are based on European styles by may have local rules Examples Nigeria, India, Burma (GB), the Pacific Islands (US)
Direct Control Paternalism- view that colonized (Africans) were children unable to handle complex business of running a country Assimilation- local populations would become absorbed into culture Foreign officials brought in to rule No self-rule Goal: assimilation Government institutions based only on European styles Ex. Somaliland and Vietnam (France), Tanganyika (Germany), Angola (Portuguese)
How did certain European countries prefer to control their imperialized subjects? Why would they choose direct or indirect control? What would you choose? Which method would best allow a colony to become self-governing?
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