B101 Team ambition MRS SARLo Welcome! B101 Team ambition MRS SARLo
Returning Forms/Notes for Office Homeroom Returning Forms/Notes for Office Homeroom Do Nows Absent/Birthdays Behavior Plan
Homework on Remind If you have a smartphone, get push notifications. On your phone, open your web browser and go to the following link: rmd.at/72f4ba -OR- Text the message @72f4ba to the number 81010.
Grades on Power School Official student record of grades that is available to parents online Will be recorded using a “point system” Access Power School through Mt. Laurel’s main website
Language Arts
Balanced Literacy Reading Workshop Word Study Writing Workshop
Workshop Model… Mini-lesson (whole-group) Instruct reading & writing strategies & skills Independent Reading & Writing Self-selection of topics and “just-right” books Conferencing (one-on-one) Discuss independent reading books & writing with students and teach skills Group Share (whole group) Reflect and buzz Anecdotal records during conferencing.
Genres of Writing Personal Narrative Research Essay Argument Essay
Any Questions? Please Communicate! Email: alongmore@mountlaurel.k12.nj.us Please Communicate!
Thank You For Coming! Please be sure to sign up for Team conferences.