Family Heritage Project Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Period: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Family Heritage Project THIS SHEET is due COMPLETED by Wednesday, October 18th FINAL PROJECT is due Wednesday, October 25th Objective: Our unique family history is what makes us who we are today. The main objective for this project is to help the student learn more about their own personal family history. My Last Name is ____________________________________________________. My Last Name comes from the country of ____________________________________________________, Which is on the continent of ______________________________. PART ONE: Sit down and talk to your family members about your last name. Where is your last name from? (From what country did your family name come?) If our parents and/or grandparents do not know the answer to this question, you might need to consult the Internet. Now that you have discovered where your last name originated, you need to find a map that shows where that country is located. Your map should be of the entire continent with your country highlighted in some way. PART TWO: Interview each of your parents separately. Find out exactly what your family heritage is by asking your parents about their individual ancestry. MOM’s FULL NAME: ___________________________________________________________ (first, middle, and maiden name) Where are her ancestors from? (If her ancestors are from more than one location, find out the percentages of each.) __________% from _________________________________ DAD’s FULL NAME: ___________________________________________________________ (first, middle, and last name) Where are his ancestors from? (If his ancestors are from more than one location, find out the percentages of each.) __________% from _________________________________ Using the information you found above, sketch a circle graph of your own, personal heritage. HINT: ½ of the circle graph will show the information you collected about your mother. The other ½ of the circle will show the information you collected about your father. The end result is a circle graph about YOU!
HAVE FUN! FINAL PROJECT is due Wednesday, October 25th PART THREE: In the space below, sketch a FAMILY TREE of your own. You are required to go back two generations in your family. You must include yourself (and any siblings you have), both of your parents, and all of your grandparents (4 total). Include the NAME (first & last) and birth YEAR of each family member shown. FINAL PROJECT is due Wednesday, October 25th LAST PART: Your final project will be presented in booklet format. We will have booklet specifics discussed in class this week. The full project (including this research and practice page is due no later than Wednesday, October 25th. The final project is a Major Grade. It will be the first Major Grade in the second grading period, so make sure it is GREAT!! Inside LEFT: This is where you will tell about your LAST name. Be sure to state your last name and put the map of the continent where your last name originated. Somehow highlight or indicate the specific country within the continent. Inside RIGHT: The circle graph about YOU will be on this page. Indicate which section of the circle is which part of your ancestry. See my example if you have any questions. FINAL PROJECT is due Wednesday, October 25th Outside FRONT Cover: Your outside cover page will include your FULL name (first, middle, last) and artwork that tells about you. This can be your name in fancy, fun writing. This can be a drawing you have created. This can be anything colorful and descriptive of YOU! Outside BACK Cover: Your family tree goes on this page. Be neat and colorful and accurate. EXTRA Important Information: *Examples of each step can be found on my FBISD webpage. Go to…schools…Baines Middle School…teacher websites…Khan…for more clarification and and example. *1-10 extra credit points can be earned for going above and beyond my expectations. HAVE FUN! FINAL PROJECT is due Wednesday, October 25th *If you consult the Internet for any part of your project, you will need to cite your sources. Not citing your sources is called plagiarism and it is illegal. (We have talked about Academic Honesty in advisory.) If you turn in your work without citing all of your sources, you will get an automatic 20 point deduction on the project. This is your final warning. *Neatness and creativity are a MUST! *Any part of your project may be computer generated. There are lots of fun pie chart creators you can find on the Internet (or even in Excel as part of Microsoft Office).