Weather and meteorology npor. Eva Slovák Kubalová
CONTENT WEATHER = the state of the atmosphere at precise time and place, it is given by observed atmospheric phenomena. Meteorology = the science studying atmosphere.
Meteorological phenomena Meteorological phenomena influencing aviation: turbulence wind precipitation, icing clouds visibility
WIND the movement of the air between areas of different atmospheric pressure wind direction / speed (knots) head-, cross-, tailwind anemometer, windsock
WIND gust = a sudden, temporary increase of wind speed of at least 10 knots
WIND Squall = a temporary and sudden increase in wind speed of at least 15 knots and which lasts for at least 1 min
WIND windshear = a sudden change in wind direction and/or speed over a short distance
WIND Microburst = very dangerous windshear which is associated with storms and CBs; = a downdraft over a small area
PRECIPITATION intensity: light, moderate, heavy form: rain, shower, drizzle, thunderstorm, sleet snow, freezing rain or drizzle, blizzard, hail and pellets, dew, icing
CLOUDS a mass of water droplets and/or ice crystals cloud base - the lowest height of the cloud cover cloud cover - the amount of cloud which can be seen in the sky
CLOUD TYPE low (strato-), middle (alto-), high level (cirro-)
SIGNIFICANT CLOUDS CB – large, dense, unstable heap cloud with a lot of vertical height and which can develop into thunderstorm Cumulus - large, unstable heap cloud with considerable vertical extent
VISIBILITY phenomena reducing visibility: haze, mist, fog
INTENSITY OF PHENOMENA Precipitation (e.g., rain, snow, hail): - light - moderate - heavy Wind shear: - strong Other phenomena (e.g., turbulence, icing): - severe
SOURCES OF METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION meteorological briefing radar screen (letvis) ledis screen pilot's and ATCo's reports
REPORTS METAR – actual report (H1) – visibility, clouds, wind, temp., QNH, dew point,… TAF – terminal AD forecast, period H9 every H3, period H12-24 every H6, SPECI – extra report given due to significant and sudden changes, SNOWTAM – about snow and snow clearing at an airfield.
QUESTIONS Where can be turbulence observed? What intensity of turbulence do you know? Which cloud can develop into thunderstorm? Which phenomena reduce visibility? What examples of precipitation do you know? What are headwind, crosswind and tailwind? What sources of meteorological information do you use at work?