Experience of application of “Tangent Screen Examination” inspection system and transpalpebral scleral tonometry at home (pilot study) A.P. Nesterov, E.A. Egorov, T.B. Romanova, Z.Y. Aliabieva*, A.R. Illarionova*, B.V. Obruch*, T.V. Cherniakova, I.A. Romanenko, E.V. Smirnova, A.V. Laktionov Russian State Medical University, Ophthalmology Department of Medical Faculty *Academic Group of A.P. Nesterov, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Moscow
Purpose Designing and practical application in ophthalmology of the improved method of glaucoma patients’ medical examination with three level control system - outpatient, stationary and home
Patients and Methods Inspection System «Tangent Screen Examination», assigned for field of view examination using PC display; for installation you need IBM-compatible PC and LCD display to cover central field of view in the range of 23-25. Several tests are used for threshold sensitivity study and screening – test of field of view evaluation using over threshold strategy. Results can be presented – in grey scale shades, quantitatively – in Humphrey decibels, conventionally – in scotomas of three levels depth. In our study to realize tonometry by patients’ relatives transpalpebral scleral DIATON tonometer is assigned, allowing IOP measuring at home safely and reliably. Measurement is realized according to standard methodology with regularity depending on the patient’s condition
Inspection System «Tangent Screen Examination» IOP was measured with transpalpebral scleral Diaton tonometer using traditional methodology, all ophthalmotone measurements were realized the patients being in the sitting position Transpalpebral scleral Diaton tonometer http://www.TonometerDiaton.com
Results and discussion We are observing a stable group of 22 persons, controlling the field of view at home during the period from half a year to a year and a half using home version of «Tangent Screen Examination» program. The patients examine the field of view 1-2 times a month. Periodicity of IOP control is the same. During observations we registered IOP increasing in 4 patients which required treatment correction. At that we did not register deterioration of the field of view characteristics in these patients, which is connected with the regular IOP measuring and timely assuming the adequate medical measures. In other 18 persons during observations we registered stable parameters of Tangent Screen Examination and IOP
Conclusion Patients participating in active monitoring of their state using «home» methods of the field of view and IOP control provides comprehensive understanding of medical recommendations fulfillment necessity, which allows controlling the glaucoma process completely and sufficiently