Buying Online From Private Individuals When you buy online from a private individual, you can’t: complain if the goods aren’t satisfactory cancel the order if you change your mind return the goods and get your money back ask for a refund if the goods don’t arrive within 30 days 'cooling off' period - you can cancel your purchase and get a full refund
Protection schemes for buyers site protection dispute resolution payment protection credit card protection Distance selling regulation 'cooling off' period - you can cancel your purchase and get a full refund
Auction sites There are 2 main types: Where you bid then pay e.g. Ebay Where you pay for bids beforehand e.g. Mad bid (1p Bids)
Ebay Explain good points and bad points about this site
Madbid Explain good points and bad points about this site
Buying Online From Private Individuals When you buy online from a private individual, you can’t: complain if the goods aren’t satisfactory cancel the order if you change your mind return the goods and get your money back ask for a refund if the goods don’t arrive within 30 days 'cooling off' period - you can cancel your purchase and get a full refund
Protection schemes for buyers site protection dispute resolution payment protection credit card protection 'cooling off' period - you can cancel your purchase and get a full refund
Auction sites There are 2 main types: Where you bid then pay e.g. Ebay Where you pay for bids beforehand e.g. Mad bid (1p Bids)
Ebay Explain good points and bad points about this site
Madbid Explain good points and bad points about this site
Features of Online Auction Sites Name of auction site: Ebay What features/tools does the auction site provide to help buyers find and bid for items with confidence? What product information does the auction site provide? How do buyers know if a seller is trustworthy? Is there a complaint resolution service? How does it work? What methods of payment can be used?
Online Payment Methods Research each of the online payment methods listed in the table below to find out how they work and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Method of payment How it works Example Protection rating (high, medium or low) Advantages Disadvantages Cheque or money order Debit card Visa debit, Credit Card Visa, Master Card Escrow service Electronic money account PayPal