Weather Chapter 18 Weather Reports and Forecasts
Figure 18-1. On-line weather services.
Table 18-1. The weather checklist.
Figure 18-2. A typical weather depiction chart.
Figure 18-3. A station model.
Figure 18-4. Some symbols on surface analysis charts.
Figure 18-5. Wind speed and direction.
Figure 18-6. Surface analysis—North American continent.
Figure 18-7. Extract from a typical surface analysis chart.
Figure 18-8. Key to radar summary charts.
Figure 18-9. A typical radar summary chart.
Table 18-2. Weather symbols.
Table 18-3. Obstructions to vision symbols.
Figure 18-10. ASA’s METAR/TAF decoder table.
Figure 18-11. A typical low-level significant weather prognostic chart.
Figure 18-12. Some standard weather symbols.
Figure 18-13. Some significant weather prognostic symbols.
Figure 18-14. Extract of high-level significant weather prognosis panel.
Figure 18-15. A typical area forecast for the San Francisco area.
Figure 18-15. A typical area forecast for the San Francisco area.
Figure 18-16. Explanation of area forecast for the San Francisco area.
Figure 18-16. Explanation of area forecast for the San Francisco area.
Figure 18-17. Example of a convective outlook chart.
Figure 18-18. Winds and temperatures aloft forecast.
Figure 18-19. Example of a severe weather outlook chart.
Figure 18-20. Part of a 700 mb constant pressure analysis chart (pressure alt. 10,000 feet).
Figure 18-21. Extract from a chart showing isotachs (tropopause wind prog chart).
Figure 18-22. Radar summary chart.
Figure 18-23. PIREP.
Figure 18-24. METARs.