NORTH SALINAS HIGH SCHOOL Student Bulletin August 17th 2017 ML CHAMPIONS Please display for 4th period class while bulletin is being read. Thank you.
STUDENT BULLETIN Back to school night will be Wednesday August 23rd. Festivities will start at 5:00 p.m. in the Mall area. More details to follow..
"Attention Link Crew Leaders: We are meeting at lunch today in room 845" STUDENT BULLETIN FFA members don’t forget to come to our first chapter meeting today at lunch in room 730. "Attention Link Crew Leaders: We are meeting at lunch today in room 845"
STUDENT BULLETIN We are back!! A.D.A.P.T members please report to room 839 during lunch. This is our first meeting. See you there!
#Love Yourself and Others Meets every Thursday at lunch STUDENT BULLETIN ***LOVE Club*** #Healthy Love #Love Yourself and Others Meets every Thursday at lunch in room #803. We start at 12:30pm.
STUDENT BULLETIN Photo of the week by: Andrea Villalobos
STUDENT BULLETIN Rancho Cielo is have a family fun day August 27th. Volunteering Opportunities: Parking patrol Kids activities set up/clean up 9-3 (shifts available) Contact: Gabriella, Volunteer Coordinator (831) 444-3523
STUDENT BULLETIN Want to join a fun club? Practice your singing skills? Hidden talent ? Come to Karaoke Club! We meet every Friday in Room 770 Bring your lunch and a friend *Clean lyrics only please
STUDENT BULLETIN Follow all the exciting activities that happen at North High on Twitter @NSHSVikings55
TODAY during lunch in room 716!! ATHLETICS BULLETIN All boys interested in playing soccer, new and returning players come to room 716 during lunch TODAY for an important informational meeting. Todos los jovenes interesados en jugar futbol para el equipo escolar de hombres, vengan a una junta informativa HOY durante hora de lonche en el salon 716. TODAY during lunch in room 716!! See you there!
ATHLETICS BULLETIN This afternoon will be the LAST Baseline Concussion test at 4:30 pm in Room 20 for the Fall folks! Last day to buy your PRE-SELL tickets for the Football Jamboree is today. Tomorrow you will need to wait in line at Rabobank to purchase a ticket. Gates open at 3:30 pm. See you there. Last day to process for Fall Sports is tomorrow. Come to the Athletic Office with any questions today! We are almost done!
ATHLETICS BULLETIN This Saturday the Varsity Field Hockey team will host the Jamboree on the turf from 9 am until 2 pm. It is free and all are welcome! This Saturday the Varsity Volleyball team will host the Pacific Division in both gyms from 9 am until 2 pm. It is free and all are welcome!
ATHLETICS BULLETIN Attention All Wrestlers: The Apple Fundraiser is being extended until Monday 21st. Please bring all Money and Order Forms to Coach Vandal Monday 21st during Lunch.
ATHLETICS BULLETIN Wondering where the Vikings sit for the Football Jamboree? This year we are on the home side closest to the main ticket booth. We will share that side with the Eagles. The Trojans and Cowboys are on the visitor side this year. Remember we are all part of the same District and we want to represent our school well. Please find seats and don't stand along the railing. See you in your Red, White, and Blue!
ATHLETICS BULLETIN The All District Football Jamboree is this Friday night at Rabobank. All 4 teams will be on the field at the same time in a scrimmage setting! Frosh starts at 4; JV at 5:30 and Varsity at 7. Cheerleaders will perform before the Varsity starts up! You aren't going to want to miss this event. Buy your tickets Tuesday through Thursday at the Finance Office. Students are $5 and all profits go to the 4 football programs, so support your Vikings! The event will be over at 9 pm, so have your ride pick you up by 9 pm!
Honor Yourself and Others VIKING CREED Never Give Up Stay Focused Honor Yourself and Others Stay Positive 1 minute Perales 19