Welcome, Parents, to Back to School Night 2016-17! 8th grade Physical Science Mrs. Wren Room 101
Contact Information Email: swren@pdsd.org Telephone: 610-497-6300 X3101 Teacher Webpage: www.pdsd.org S, Wren This will be updated DAILY! Weekly schedule of classroom assignments Resources- copies of PowerPoint notes and worksheets Text Updates: Text @wren10 to 81010 Homework: on WEBPAGE, most of the time HAC also Weekly Email Blasts: An email sent out reminding of past assignments and activities as well as things to look forward to
About me I graduated from Juniata College in 2011, which my Bachelors in Science and my teaching certification I played field hockey in college, and am the head coach for Sun Valley Field Hockey for the 5th year. This will be my 5th year teaching at Northley; I also taught for my first year near Hershey, Pa. I try to stay current on best practices; I am a member of the National Science Teacher Association, am pursuing my masters at West Chester University, and have spent 2- week long professional development courses in Colorado and New Mexico.
Physical Science Content Chemistry, Physics, and Energy Our curriculum has a focus on real-world problems and hands-on investigation. Students will be building their knowledge through experience and discourse, much like true scientists. Matter Basics of chemical bonding Newton’s Laws Simple Machines Types and forms of energy Renewable vs. non-renewable energy
Grading Grades will be weighted, not on a point system. Summative Assessments (50%) Tests, Projects, Formal Lab Reports, larger assessments Formative Assessments (40%) Quizzes Discussion/End of lab questions Starter Questions Ticket out the door Etc. Preparation & Skills of Scientists(10%) Notebook, homework, starter work, group interactions, etc.
Notebooks Students will be maintaining TWO bound composition books (I will keep one in the classroom for later) 1 for chemistry and 1 for physics and energy Each page will be numbered, set up in Cornell Note Style, titled with learning targets, color coded EVERYTHING we do will go into here. Even loose papers will be glued/stapled in At home, for HOMEWORK, students need to summarize the day’s learning at the bottom of the page in 3-4 sentences Notebooks will be collected and given to 9th grade teachers
Rules and Expectations Overview Writing utensils and SCIENCE NOTEBOOK required DAILY At bell, students are in seats working on starter Starters are graded on effort, not correctness, unless otherwise noted Always do BEST QUALITY work! Late work will receive a deduction in points per day late Homework assignments will not be accepted late for points ABSENCES: Daily schedule is found on my teacher website. Homework is posted on my website Make sure to check website BEFORE returning to school! Responsible for getting and handing in missed work
Learning Targets
Thank you! Thank you for coming out this evening! I am very excited to be working with you and your children this year. This year will be a challenge with high expectations and tough content, but with their hard work and determination, along with our guidance and support, they will achieve all and more than we expect! Ways Parents can help students: Ask students to apply a concept they learned that day to something at home Encourage and help students with their summaries If students’ notes look incomplete or sloppy, check the website to help them organize
Getting Involved It is extremely important for kids to see science in their lives outside of school, if there is anything that you do that could be a connection please let me know! If you wish to get involved in the classroom in anyway, please contact me!