objectives Definition of various terms used Acquisition procedure of equipment used in health records department Committees related to procurement Methods of disposal Documents used in acquiring equipment , tools…etc Equipment maintenance in health records department
Definition of terms used Logistic: these are moderates or ways of running a department at a section or even an organization ,it is therefore a function that is responsible for handling the process of doing something with the aim of achieving efficient service delivery at a minimum cost effort Supplies :anything i.e. item ,tools, equipment ,recourses or even materials of store
Procurement : it is a process of acquisition of goods ,services , equipment or works as identified by the user from the point of need They are not only three terms used but you will encounter others with there definitions on the spot
Acquisition procedure As a health records and information manager you are supposed to follow strictly the procurement cycle while ordering an equipment through the following steps Step 1 : need identification by the user Step 2 : approval it is sought from the (AIE) authority to incur expenditure Step 3: technical specifications are crafted by the user in conjunction with the personnel Step 4: identification of the supplier (520&521)
Step 5 : delivery of goods and services , equipment etc Step 6: inspection and receipt equipment /goods Step 7: the equipment is issued to the user Carrying out the procedure above you should consider the 5R’s below
5Rs Right quantity Right quality Right time all starting with R and they are five Right price Right place
Committees related to procurement Tender committee : it handles tenders Procurement committee: deals with procurement through quotation Inspection and receipt committee: charged with responsibility of checking the quality or quantity of equipment delivered by merchants Technical & financial evaluation committee: it asses the capacity of the supplier to hand specific equipment
Disposal committee: responsible for the disposal of redundant items , equipment
Hospital tender committee Chair person – appointed in writing .med sup Deputy chair- nursing officer in charge Member s Hospital administrator Accountant officer in charge HRIO in charge Pharmacist in charge clinical officer in charge ..etc heads per department
Quorum Not less than five members considering the department in a given health facility disposal After using an equipment ,item, it undergo ware and tear Drug ,test kits expire after completing shelf life without being used
Drugs –expire Data collection ,reporting tools- change versions due to changes in indicators may bring in new tools Equipment – breakdown beyond repair ,change in technology hence ushering inn new sophisticated version most happens in computers en other electronics
Methods of disposal Trade – in charge within in exchange within the facility i.e. Chwele sub-county hospital gives out anti malarial drugs to Bungoma county hospital in exchange of tuberculosis drugs Sale by public tender Sale by public auction s Destruction by burning or dumping Transfer to another public entity
Documents used in acquiring equipment 1) S.13: counter receipt voucher , it is a document used to receive goods in the store ,registering all what is written on the delivery note ,it exists in three copies Original-remain at the store Duplicate – accompany the equipment Triplicate – remain in the book 2) S.3 stores ledger Records equipment received (taking charge) or issued from the store(posting)
3)S11 counter requisition and issue voucher ,it is also in triplicates 4)s12 counter receipt and issue voucher ,it is in six copies Used to receive goods from the merchants also issue to the users Mostly used in large institutions like KEMSA 6) A quotation form 8) Destruction certificate 9) Disposal certificate 10) Board of survey form-F 058
Maintenance of health records equipment Maintenance : it is an expense that which extends an assets/ equipment life performance The department of health records & information management has many equipment used to perform various tasks especially storing medical/health records per its design by the manufacturer
Examples of equipment in HRD Shelves Telephone Carousel Suspended pocket Trolleys Typewriter Camera Photocopier machine
Equipment list …..cont cabinets, chairs I. pads shredder Computers…. etc
Factors considered before carrying out maintenance to an equipment Check current Mechanical, electrical ,programmatic state of a specific machine or equipment state Output quality Output quantity Series, model , version Manufactured/purchased date Location in the workplace Last date of maintenance or service
Details found on a maintenance record Type of equipment Date service done Equipment serial number or unique identifier Adjustments or repairs made Identify the individual performing maintenance