By: Abdulla Al Shaya & Abdulrahman al Khuzam Grade:7 Section:5 Government By: Abdulla Al Shaya & Abdulrahman al Khuzam Grade:7 Section:5
Introduction: Did you know that Pericles (the one who started democracy) was nicknamed ONION HEAD! In this short PowerPoint presentation we will be talking to you about the Greek Governments. Onion Head!
Introduction Continued: We will be talking about various things about ancient Greek government but basically about Democracy because democracy is happening under many countries currently. I will also talk about what is Government how did governments affect our daily life and what the world will be like without governments around us.
Definition of Government A government is the people or groups that rule a particular region. It is the way a city is ruled.
Pericles Pericles is a famous Greek general. You may have been wondering who is Pericles from the beginning. Pericles is a famous Greek general. He gave speeches honoring Athenians who died in war against The Persians. His Famous speeches honoring Athenians was called Funeral Oration.
Pericles continued Some of his speeches talked about Athenian loyalty and government. He was a believer of democracy. His speeches were prepared and written down. Percales was reelected for leader in Athens for 30 years
Solon Solon was elected and ruled a democracy. He made him self as one of the people. He gave Athenians rights and freedom His main goal was to make all people equal in rights
Monarchy Monarchy is a forum of government when there is 1 leader that can inherit his power This kind of government is helpful when decisions should be made quick The negative trait about monarchy is not all the people are equal
Tyranny Tyranny is helpful during war times because a general mostly always knows the best during the war It can also be helpful by giving more rights to the poor The negative trait about it is that tyranny is illegal and can make bad decisions.
World without Governments If we didn’t have any government we wouldn’t have any control in a city. Government = Rules No Government = No Rules No Rules = No Control No Control = No Peace
Interesting Facts Athens government was not true democracy it was only for free born men We us democracy in most the worlds countries We have different democracy now but its source is ancient Greek Every city state had its own government, army and currency
Interesting Facts Continued All the forums of governments we use today are from ancient Greece PERCILES WAS THE LEADER OF ATHENS IN THE GOLDEN AGE Greeks are remembered by democracy In ancient Greece many city states were oligarchy
Summary This presentation talked about the 2 famous Greeks solon and percales, what will happen without forums of government, interesting facts, When is tyranny helpful and when is monarchy helpful.
Conclusion As you have heard from us governments is an important thing in our daily life. Thanks to Greeks and there unimaginable idea we are using their superb idea now around us and you know what would happen without that idea, and how would we live without it.
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Bibliography Books: Claybarne Anna, ancient greece,chicago raintree,2007 Apel melanie poloticesand government new york power kids press 2004 Internet: Made In Democracies Encyclopedia > Pericles