Panel Session: Best Practices in State Estimation Sponsored by: Power System Analysis, Computing, and Economics Committee Panel Chair: Ali Abur Northeastern University, Boston IEEE PES General Meeting Pittsburgh, PA July 20-24, 2008
Panel Objectives Bring together global expertise on the utilization and maintenance of state estimators (SE) Present best practices Comparatively discuss advantages and shortcomings of different practices Identify challenges to be addressed in the future
Presenters are asked to comment on the following issues: Input data and information requirements Bad data processing capability Existing tools to present results to the operators Measurement design Single most important benefit of the SE Most important challenges of running a SE
Presentations SE for CA ISO Market and Security Applications – Relevance and Readiness Dinesh Salem-Natarajan, Liang Zhao, Wei Shao, Matthew Varghese, Soumen Ghosh, Mani Subramanian, Gordon Lin, Hsiao-Dong Chiang and Hua Li SE: The NGrid New England Experience George P. Kalavantis and Francis Flynn Jr.
Presentations Experiences and Practices on SE in RTE Y. Hassaine and P. Panciatici Application and Implementation of SE at Idaho Power Company Slaven Kincic and Milorad Papic Operational Experience with SE at Hydro-Quebec S. Lefebvre, J. Prévost, J.C. Rizzi, P. Ye, B. Lambert, and H. Horisberger