Europe and North America 28.3
EEC, European Community (EC) was chiefly an economic union. Between ‘50 and ‘70 Western Europe experienced virtually FULL employment By the mid-1970s and early ‘80s inflation and unemployment rose dramatically EEC, European Community (EC) was chiefly an economic union. Euro, common currency 12 nations began to use the common currency. 28 members now
France Francois Mitterrand Socialist Leader Nationalized the banks, the steel industry, the space and electronics industries.
Germany Willy Brandt First Socialist Democratic chancellor of West Germany. 1972 treaty led to greater contact with East Germany. Nobel Peace Prize Winner.
Great Britain Problems in Northern Ireland Fighting between Catholics and Protestants Margaret Thatcher (Thatcher) – 1980s Conservative economic policies (Thatcherism)
In the U.S…. Nixon- Watergate Carter-hostage situation 52 Americans were held hostage by the Iranian government of the Khomeini. Reagan- Fiscal problems Bush- inability to deal with federal deficit Clinton- misconduct Bush- War on Terror
Canada Pierre Trudeau Brian Mulroney Quebec- separation?? Major economic recession Official Language Act industrialization Brian Mulroney NAFTA (NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT) U.S. –Canada- and Mexico Quebec- separation??