Capacity Development for Gender Subgroups of National Platforms in Armenia, Georgia, Belarus and Ukraine
PROJECT IMPLEMENTED BY: Lead Organization: Women’s Resource Center, Armenia Partner Organizations: Women’s Political Resource Centre, Georgia Belarusian Organization of Working Women Bureau of Gender Strategy and Budgeting
PROJECT GOAL To develop capacities of organizations of National Platforms in four countries (Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine) in gender audit and gender analysing
PROJECT OBJECTIVES Develop specialists in gender auditing and gender analyses Develop advocacy plan for Gender Audit of selected organizations in National Platforms To raise visibility about gender issues in National Platforms
Strengthened network of gender subgroupes PROJECT OUTCOMES Developed capacities of gender subgroups of National Platform in gender analyses and gender auditing Developed skills of gender mainstreaming among gender subgroups of National Platforms Developed joint module on Gender Auditing by gender subgroups of four countries Strengthened network of gender subgroupes
TARGET GROUP Gender subgroups of National Platforms Women’s organizations Individual activists/researchers in gender issues in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine
PROJECT ACTIVITIES Development and Publication of a Joint Module TOT in Gender Auditing Development and Publication of a Joint Module Development of an Advocacy Plan Local Trainings
PROJECT IMPACT Through the project, women’s civil society organizations in four countries will obtain knowledge and skills of gender budgeting and gender analyses, and will use those skills in their work, as well as for their advocacy and lobbying purposes. The outcome of the project will be also a preparation of a module on Gender Auditing that can be used by other National Platforms, as well as by gender specialists in Eastern Partnership Countries Capacity building of local NGOs on the issues of gender mainstreaming in general
SUMMARY Following the capacity development trainings the organizations of National Platforms of Eastern Partnership will be able to implement gender component in policies, programs, administrative and financial activities and in organizational procedures, thereby contributing to a profound and sustainable organizational transformation.