the main source of energy for almost all living things The SUN is the main source of energy for almost all living things
Producer Producer – (autotrophs) an organism that uses the sun’s energy to make its food through photosynthesis Begins the food chain or food web Examples: Plants and Algae How do they trap the sun’s energy? Through what process? What is that process similar to in animal cells?
Consumer – (heterotrophs) ingest food containing the sun’s Consumers Consumer – (heterotrophs) ingest food containing the sun’s energy (eat producers) Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores Decomposers Energy moves up the food chain through the producer/consumer relationship.
Herbivores Types of Consumers eat plants Examples: grasshoppers, bison, antelope, cows Herbivores are the 1st step up the food chain, they eat the producers
Carnivores Types of Consumers eat meat Predators Scavengers Hunt prey animals for food - Examples: coyotes, hawks, owls, lions Scavengers Feed on dead animals Examples: vultures, snails, worms, crabs Scavengers are a type of carnivore that eat dead animals, or carrion. Vultures, hyenas, crabs, deep sea fish-talk about distance from the sun and must eat the dead things that sink to the bottom, bottom feeders
Omnivores - eat both plants and animals Types of Consumers Omnivores - eat both plants and animals Humans and bears are omnivores but a large and important subset of omnivores are the decomposers. They breakdown dead producers and release the energy back into circulation.
Types of Consumers Decomposers (Nature’s Recyclers) organism that feeds on and breaks down dead plant and animal matter Bacteria is the #1 Decomposer Humans and bears are omnivores but a large and important subset of omnivores are the decomposers. They breakdown dead producers and release the energy back into circulation. Kids Corner - Herbivore, Omnivore, Carnivore Kids Corner - Producer,Consumer,Decomposer