The Human Brain Module One: Booklet #5 DID YOU KNOW... A bigger brain doesn’t always mean a smarter person. Albert Einstein’s brain was slightly smaller than average!!!
Meet Your Master: Getting to Know Your Brain - Crash Course Psychology #4 W9C0&index=4&list=PLNo419yvwUDDuGEek LWgdlJPUA3WOVeig (12:33)
TASK: To learn about the roles of the human brain and the parts that comprise it INTENT: There are many parts in the human brain that work together to coordinate movement and stimulate thinking and emotions, resulting in behaviour CRITERIA: To be able to match structures of the human brain to their function (3:43)
Brain Structure Surgeons say that a living brain feels a lot like soft tofu! cerebrum cerebellum hypothalamus pituitary gland medulla Brain Animation
1. Hindbrain – Consists of: a) Medulla (Oblongata) b) Pons c) Cerebellum
Medulla (oblongata) Location: Where the spinal cord enters the skull Functions: It controls automatic functions (i.e you are not aware of them) such as heart rate and breathing
b) Pons Location: Between medulla & the midbrain Function: Pons means a “bridge” & it interconnects messages between the spinal cord and the brain
c) Cerebellum Location: Extending from the rear of the brainstem Functions: It regulates balance, posture, movement and muscle coordination NOTE: Alcohol causes temporary loss of cerebellum functions, which results in staggering & other signs of loss of coordination
2. Midbrain Location: Just above the pons Function: Integrates sensory information and relays it upward
3. Forebrain – Consists of: a) Hypothalamus b) Thalamus c) Cerebrum (also called cerebral cortex)
Hypothalamus Location: Between midbrain & cerebrum Functions: Regulates basic needs including hunger, thirst and temperature; also controls falling asleep
b) Thalamus Location: Located above the hypothalamus Functions: Serves as a relay center between various parts of the brain and spinal cord for all sensory information (expect smell); also involved in keeping a person conscious, and plays a role in awareness of pain
c) Cerebrum (also called cerebral cortex) NOTE: Is the largest part of the human brain Is made up of FOUR regions called lobes
Frontal Lobe Location: Front section of the cerebrum Functions: Associated with higher reasoning, voluntary body movements and speech
Temporal Lobe Location: Bottom section of the cerebrum (above ears) Functions: Associated with memories and the perceptions of sounds and language
Parietal Lobe Location: Middle section of the cerebrum Functions: Associated with the perception of touch, pressure and pain
Occipital Lobe Location: Back section of the cerebrum Function: Associated with visual perception
Structures associated with brain: Corpus Callosum: Large band of nerve fibres between the cerebral hemispheres (ie. right &left side) Spinal Cord: Connects the nerves of the PNS with the brain. It transmits signals between the brain and the rest of the body.
Parts of the Brain Review oGA (1:36)