the brazen altar ~ Exodus 27:1-8
‘Come … walk with me through God’s house’ the prominence of the brazen altar seen in its location – it was the first piece of furniture inside the gate seen in its links – it is associated with every part of the tabernacle you never get away from the Cross
‘Come … walk with me through God’s house’ the pattern for the brazen altar its fundamental form its basic simplicity its enduring quality its serviceable horns – strength, salvation and security
‘Come … walk with me through God’s house’ the participants at the brazen altar the guilty sinner the grateful worshipper the officiating priest
‘Come … walk with me through God’s house’ the procedure used at the brazen altar seen in Leviticus 4:27-31 selection substitution identification slaughter witness sacrifice
‘Come … walk with me through God’s house’ the provisions of the brazen altar atonement (Lev. 1) forgiveness (Lev. 4) peace (Lev. 3) look at the various utensils – again they speak of Calvary
‘Come … walk with me through God’s house’ the preciousness of the brazen altar the grate – the centrality of the Cross covered by purple cloth as in Numbers 4:13 – the majesty of the Cross