USonic™ Series Continuous Ultrasonic Level Transmitter AMETEK Drexelbrook 205 Keith Valley Road Horsham, PA 19044 (215) 674-1234
Continuous Ultrasonics USonic™ 2-wire ultrasonic system for liquid measurements Two-wire, HART® (HARTWin version 2.4 or later) 1 – 30 ft. (0.3 to 9.1 m) range Level, Distance, Open Channel Flow, Volume
Basic Continuous Sonic Theory A short sound burst or “ping” is generated by a transducer The sound rebounds from the surface being measured and the return echo is detected by the transducer
Basic Continuous Sonic Theory Distance = t/2 from the acoustic transmission / reception of the reflected signal at the speed of sound, ~1100 fps (~335 mps) @ sea level Level = Distance – Tank Height USonic - frequency is a nominal 50KHz
Beam Pattern Convention: Beam angle is defined as the angle at which the signal strength is 3dB down (50% power) of nominal The strongest energy is emitted perpendicular to the transducer face Lower energy is emitted at other angles
USonic™ Series – 10° Beam Angle Acoustic Side Lobes Half Beam (5°) Angle Spread: 1.05” / Ft. (9 cm / m) from centerline. 30 ft. (9.1 m)
Distance vs. Beam Angle & Accuracy Feet (meters) Half Beam (5°) Spread Inches (cm) +/- Accuracy Inches (mm) 10 (3) 10.5 (27) 0.2 (5) 15 (4.5) 15.75 (40) 0.27 (7) 20 (6) 21 (53) 0.36 (9) 25 (7.6) 26.25 (67) 0.45 (11) 30 (9.1) 31.5 (80) 0.54 (14) Accuracy specification: 0.15% or 0.2 inch (5mm), whichever is greater
Near Zone / Blocking Distance 12” (305 mm) Near Zone Measurable Area What is it? Area below the transducer that is too close to measure USonic: 12” (305 mm) from the transducer face Causes Level too high Interfering tank structure Recessed in nozzle (Use SmartGain™ to correct)
Near Zone / Blocking Distance The required amount of time it takes a given transducer to become “quiet” to allow the reception of a return echo The faster the transducer stops “ringing”, the shorter the near zone Time = Distance “Ring Down”
Near Zone / Blocking Distance USonic USonic can be recessed in a 2” (51 mm) or larger nozzle to allow measurement readings to the top of the vessel 12” (305 mm) Dead Zone
? Lost Echo What is it? Causes: Lost echo occurs when the acoustic signal does not return to the transducer Causes: Excessive foam may absorb signal Irregular target surface Granular materials – angle of repose Level is beyond measurement range Coned / Dished tank bottom at low levels reflect signal away from transducer ?
USonic™ Features 2-wire loop powered, 4-20 mA, HART 30 ft. (9.1 m) measurement range 3 inch (76 mm) minimum span 12 inch (305 mm) Near Zone Accuracy: 0.15% or 0.2 inch (5mm), whichever is greater < 0.12 inch (3mm) Repeatability < 0.12 inch (3mm) Resolution
USonic™ Features SmartGain™ Full Tank measurement Bench Configuration Automatically ignores most internal vessel obstructions without user adjustments or recordings Full Tank measurement Recess sensor in a nozzle to read level to vessel top Bench Configuration Allows the system to be fully configured in the shop Level and Open Channel Flow Preconfigured flow tables for over 80 primary elements 21-pt. Strapping table for custom shapes and sizes Housing options: PBT (Valox UV stabilized) to NEMA 4X (IP 65) XP, Cast Aluminum to NEMA 4X (IP 65)
USonic™ Specifications Temperature: -40° to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) Pressure: -10 psig to 50 psig. (-0.7 to 3.4 bar) Mounting Options: 2” NPT/BSP
USonic™ Features Configuration / User set up Configure via: Menu driven, integral display with environmentally sealed keypad, UV protected display – all systems. PC Software (HARTWin version 2.4 or later) HART Handheld communicator (375 or later) Display any or all of the following: Level, Distance, Flow rate, Totalization, Temperature, Milliamp output. Can auto scroll every 10 seconds.
USonic™ Features Supported Primary Flow elements: Parshall, Rectangular Weirs (with and without end contractions), Trapezoidal Weirs & Flumes, V-Notch, Leopold-Lagco, Palmer-Bowlus, “H” Flume Output signals in the following: Level, Distance, Flow Rate, Volume
Models Available US-11 US-12 US-21 US-22 Valox housing with 2” NPT, indicating display US-12 Valox housing with 2” BSP, indicating display US-21 Valox housing with 2” NPT, indicating display US-22 Valox housing with 2” BSP, indicating display
USonic™ Approval Schedule FM Class I, Div. 1 (I.S.) & XP CSA Class I, Div. 1 (I.S.) & XP ATEX & CE Zone 0, Zone 1 (US-2X I.S. version only) Pending
USonic™ – SmartGain™ SmartGain™ - A Patented Algorithm embedded in the system that: Automatically ignores obstructions Eliminates Beam angle concerns Allows sensor to be recessed into nozzles to eliminate the dead zone concerns inside of vessel Beam Angle
USonic™ – SmartGain™ feature A 1” (25 mm) OD pipe can be as close as ½” (12 mm) from the centerline of the beam and ignored. A 2” (50 mm) OD pipe can be as close as 1” (25 mm) from the centerline of the beam and ignored. SmartGain is also a good choice for horizontal cylinders and spheres
SmartGain™ Comparison Drexelbrook method: Tank Mapping method: Bulk mass of liquid reflects the greatest signal strength. USonic automatically attenuates receiver gain (based on actual distance to level) to only accept strongest signal reflections. Non-level reflections will not produce high enough signal strength to be identified & processed. User must identify that non-level reflections are causing a problem – then enter a routine in the system to eliminate. Unit receives all signals from both level and non-level reflections. Unit adjusts Threshold level higher than reflections from non-level / base noise signals. Tank must be empty.
SmartGain™ Comparison Drexelbrook benefit: Tank Mapping problems: A problem would usually occur before the user would run routine, because… The vessel must be emptied or near empty Agitators, or any moving objects, must be run during programming User must identify actual level then subtract 1.6 ft. (0.5m) User could misadjust, causing level reflection to also be ignored No user routines or programs Vessel doesn’t need to be empty User can’t misadjust or null out level signal reflection Future obstructions will be ignored without user intervention, or reprogramming
Configuration Menu Overview Menu Function Item Description 1.0 Input Type Level, Distance, Volume or Flow Once a “type” is selected, menu will automatically jump to the section made. 2.0 Level Enter all information for level readings 3.0 Distance Enter all information for distance readings 4.0 Volume Enter all information for volume readings
Configuration Menu Overview Menu Function Item Description 5.0 Flow Enter all information for flow readings, totalization 6.0 Strapping Tables Enter Level vs. Vol. Data for up to 21 points 7.0 System Settings Gain adjust., Rep. rate, TD, NZ / LE Faults, etc.
Configuration Menu Overview Menu Function Item Description 8.0 Display Toggle Select what is to be displayed; level, dist., vol., flow, totalizer, reset. Tot., output current, temp. 9.0 Calibration (To adjust for speed of sound changes) 1-point cal. to known level.
USonic™ Applications in Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants Chemical Slurries Open Channel Flow Lift Stations Traveling Bar Screen Sludge Storage Water Filtration Chemical Mixing Water Wells Sludge Digesters Chemical Storage Primary & Secondary Settling Pump House