Global Environment
Compressed Air is Expensive
Compressed Air Costs Based on electrical utility rates @ $0.67 /kWh A 100 scfm application costs $1.83 per hour to support $16,000 per year at 8760 hrs. $0.30 per 1000 scf Approximately 30 hp
Compressed Air Costs - Compressor 50 hp operating = $27,000 100 hp operating = $54,000 200 hp operating = $110,000 500 hp operating = $275,000 1000 hp operating = $545,000
Compressed Air Utilization Source: Henry Fleischer P.E., CMfgE
Needless Demand
Beverage Plant Automation Section 3-6 Bottling ASCO fluid control and Numatics fluid power products have been favorites in beverage plants since the 1950s. Today, ASCO Numatics provides superior fluid automation solutions for engineers and purchasers at both original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and at leading bottlers and packagers worldwide. Superior fluid automation solutions for engineers and purchasers at both original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and at leading bottlers and packagers worldwide. From one end of the line to the other, we provide a more comprehensive solution set than anyone else in the industry. Reduce time, trouble, and total expense on all your fluid automation purchases.
How many air cylinders do you have in your facilities?
Case Erector Bottom Flap Sealing
Case Erector – Bottom Flap Sealing 2-1/2” Bore x 12” Stroke ½” Ports ½” OD Tube, 24” long 2-1/2” Bore x 6” Stroke ½” OD Tube, 30” long on the end of 48” ½” NPT Pipe 5.0 Cv valve w/ in-line flow controls control both cylinders. Operating Pressure 80 PSIG Cycle time Extend – Retract 10 cycles in 22 seconds .4 sec extend .6 sec dwell at extend .4 sec retract .6 sec between cycles Tooling weight ~ 5 lbs, Horizontal on Linear Ball Bearings
What Is Numasizing? Numasizing is an Engineering Design Tool which takes into account all of the physical specifications of a circuit and results in an optimized circuit designed to the customer’s target (objective). Minimum Component Size Maximum Productivity Minimum Energy Cost
Compressed Air Reduction Case Erector in a large beer bottle manufacturing facility located in the Midwest Description Annual Compressed Air Usage (SCF) % Reduction Case Erector Bottom Sealing 6” Existing 2,752,419 Case Erector Bottom Sealing 6” Numasized 1,441,546 47.6% Case Erector Bottom Sealing 12” Existing 3,476,918 Case Erector Bottom Sealing 12” Numasized 2,486,568 28.5% Combined Annual Usage -SCF - Existing 6,229,337 Combined Annual Usage -SCF - Numasized 3,928,114 36.9% (savings: 2,301,223 SCF @ $.30/1000cf = $690)
How many air cylinders do you have in your facilities? Do you want to bring in new equipment that may consume 35-40% more compressed air than necessary? That’s Needless Demand!
Thank you – Come by our booth for more information