Y Cynnig Rhagweithiol The Active Offer


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Presentation transcript:

Y Cynnig Rhagweithiol The Active Offer Gosod y Cyd-destun Setting the Context

Mwy na geiriau … More than just words … 7.2.2 “Mae angen agwedd fwy rhagweithiol tuag at ddewis iaith ac angen iaith, gan symud y cyfrifoldeb am sicrhau gwasanaethau addas oddi ar ysgwyddau’r defnyddiwr i’r darparwr.” 7.2.2 “A more proactive approach to language need and choice is needed, with responsibility for ensuring appropriate services transferred from the user to the provider.”

Persbectif Canada The Canadian perspective Ymateb i anghenion iaith y gymuned Ffrangeg ei hiaith Mae cynnig gwasanaeth mewn ffordd egnïol yn cynyddu’r galw am y gwasanaeth hwnnw Response to the language needs of the Francophone community The more actively a service is offered, the more demand there is for it

Deddf Ieithoedd Swyddogol - Canada Official Languages Act - Canada “…to ensure that appropriate measures are taken, including the provision of signs, notices and other information on services and the initiation of communication with the public, to make it known to members of the public that those services are available in either official language at the choice of any member of the public.”

Profiad defnyddwyr yng Nghymru The Welsh experience “Biti na fasen nhw’n gofyn am ddewis iaith reit ar y dechrau ... Unwaith dach chi’n cael rhywun i weithio efo chi, mae’n rhy hwyr. Os dach chi’n dweud rhywbeth yr adeg honno, mae fel tasech chi’n dweud, dwi’m isio chi. Mae o’n teimlo’n rhy bersonol. Mae angen i’r system fflagio’r holl beth fyny. Mi fyddai’n fwy niwtral wedyn.” “It’s a pity they don’t ask about language choice right at the start … Once you start working with someone, it’s too late. If you say something at that stage, it’s as if you’re saying, I don’t want you. It feels too personal. The system needs to flag up the whole thing. It would all be more neutral then.”

Profiad defnyddwyr yng Nghymru The Welsh experience “Mae angen i staff gynnig gwasanaethau yn Gymraeg, yn arbennig i ddefnyddwyr mwy bregus achos dydyn nhw ddim yn mynd i ofyn eu hunain.” “Staff need to offer services in Welsh, especially to more vulnerable service users, because they aren’t going to ask themselves.”

Cydnabod y rhwystrau mewnol Acknowledging internal barriers Pam bod angen y cynnig rhagweithiol? Beth sy’n ei gwneud hi’n anodd i siaradwyr Cymraeg ofyn am wasanaeth yn Gymraeg? Why do we need the active offer? What are the factors which make it difficult for Welsh speakers to ask for services in Welsh?

Ambell reswm posib A few possible reasons Confensiwn defnyddio iaith Statws iaith Disgwyliadau isel Pryder am oedi Pryder am wneud ffws Conventions of language use Language status Low expectations Fear of delay Not wanting to make a fuss

Profiad Canada eto More of the Canadian experience “Even when French language services are offered at the window or the counter, we wonder whether we are really going to be taken first or whether we are going to be stuck on some waiting list until a French-speaking doctor becomes available. And there is a lingering fear that we will not receive equal service. Often, Francophones continue to ask for services in English in the belief that they will be served more quickly. This is a systemic problem. Patients must feel confident that they will receive services that are equivalent to those offered in English, in terms of quality and speed. In other words, by itself, active offer isn’t enough.” [Office of the French Language Commissioner: 2009]

Y cynnig rhagwethiol The active offer Beth yw e a sut mae e’n ‘edrych’? Sut fedrwn ni ei adnabod e? Beth yw rhai o’r cynhwysion craidd? A oes gennym enghreifftiau arfer da? What is it and how does it ‘look’? How can we recognise it? What are the core components? Do we have examples of good practice?

Cardinal a Suave: 2010 Recriwtio staff dwyieithog medrus Adnabod / creu swyddi dwyieithog Codi ymwybyddiaeth gweithwyr am wasanaethau Cymraeg Darparu hyfforddiant i weithwyr Integreiddio gwasanaethau Cymraeg o’r cychwyn cyntaf Ymgynghori â siaradwyr Cymraeg Recruit competent bilingual staff Identify / create bilingual positions Increase employees’ awareness of Welsh language services Provide training for staff Integrate Welsh-medium services from the word go Consult with Welsh speakers

Y camau nesaf The next steps Polisi ac ymarfer: 3 pwynt gweithredu Policy and practice: 3 action points