MOTOR PATHWAYS: CORTICOSPINAL & CORTICOBULBAR Thomas H. McNeill, PhD Depts. Cell and Neurobiology and Neurology February 27, 2017
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the differences between lower motor and upper motor neurons. Learn the pathways and innervation patterns of the corticospinal and corticobublar tracts. Learn the signs and symptoms typical of upper and lower motor neuron lesions. Be able to distinguish a facial paralysis from a central (UMN) lesion from a facial paralysis of a peripheral (LMN) lesion. Understand the anatomical basis of the regulation of voluntary horizontal conjugate movements of the eyes.
Brain Structures Involved in the Regulation of Motor Activity Brain structures that control voluntary motor activity are: Motor cortex - initiates voluntary activity, esp. of the fine skilled variety Subcortical motor nuclei in the brain stem - Regulate stereotyped voluntary activity for postural regulation and locomotion, largely under cortical control Frontal Eye Fields – control conjugate movements of the eyes. Brain structures that modulate motor activity are: Basal Ganglia (action selection) Cerebellum (action correction)
Principles of Organization Motor pathways form a two neuron chain from the cortex to the target muscle The two neuron chain is composed of a upper motor neuron and a lower motor neuron Upper motor neurons are in the cortex or brain stem Lower motor neurons are in the anterior horn of the spinal cord or cranial nerve nuclei whose axon innervates the target muscle The motor pathway that controls movements of the face is separate from the motor pathway to controls movement in neck, trunk and limbs. The motor pathway that controls horizontal conjugated eye movement is separate from the other motor pathways of the face.
Organization of the Motor Pathways Motor Cortex Higher level motor “association” cortices The planning and programming of motor activity precedes the activation of the primary motor cortex Motor planning occurs in the supplementary motor area (SMA) and the premotor area (PMA). SMA and PMA projects to the primary motor cortex for execution of the planned movement
Primary motor cortex (PMC) exhibits somatotopy Primary motor cortex (PMC) gives origin to the corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts. Neurons of origin are found largely in the precentral gyrus and the paracentral lobule The PMC has a somatotopic representation of body parts in an upside-down orientation Head/Face area gives origin to the corticobulbar tracts. The rest of the primary motor cortex gives origin to the corticospinal tracts.
The Primary Motor Cortex has a Dual and Mostly Separated Blood Supply Area of the cortex devoted to a body part is proportionate to the complexity of motor functions served The vascular supply of primary motor cortex comes from the middle (MCA) and anterior (ACA) cerebral arteries. Each artery supplies specific somatotopic areas represented in the precentral gyrus or the paracentral lobule ACA MCA PCA
Corticospinal Tract (CST) Corona radiata PLIC Midbrain: Crus cerebri Pons Medulla:Pyramid Medulla/ Cord junction (Pyramidal decussation) Spinal cord Ant. Csp. T. Lat. Csp. T. Course of CST: Corona radiata internal capsule crus cerebri pons medulla Corticospinal Tracts (75-90%) cross the midline at the medulla/cord junction in the pyramidal decussation In the spinal cord the crossed axons form the contralateral lateral CST Uncrossed axons remain as the anterior CST Lat. CST Ant. CST
Corticospinal tract (red line) is a one neuron pathway to the spinal cord Internal capsule Midbrain (Crus cerebri) Pons Medulla (pyramid) Spinal cord midbrain The CSp. T descends through the subcortical white matter (internal capsule) and the three levels of the brain stem to reach the spinal cord. The cortical neurons and the tract are referred to as the “Upper motor neuron.” pons medulla cross over spinal cord
Somatotopy of CST Internal Capsule Midbrain Somatotopy remains throughout the course of the CSTs
Location and Termination of CSTs in Spinal Cord Lateral CST descends in the lateral funiculus and synapses ipsilaterally on LMNs that innervate the distal musculature of the limbs. Anterior CST descends in the anterior funiculus and synapses bilaterally on proximal musculature of the limbs, trunk and neck.
REGULATION OF MOTOR ACTIVITY by UMN and LMN UMNs (cortical) Controls strength of contraction based on the number of LMNs and motor units activated Controls voluntary motor activity, esp. the fine skilled, novel movements of distal parts of the limbs (use of the hand, independent movements of the thumb and other fingers as in playing the piano, learning to write/draw) Controls muscle tone and generally keeps the Deep Tendon Reflexes suppressed under normal conditions. LMNs Final common pathway to skeletal muscles to elicit contraction in response to activation by the UMNs. Provide trophic factors that sustain muscle fibers. Essential for muscle tone = partial state of contraction of skeletal muscles.
Signs of Upper and Lower Motor Neuron Lesions UMN LMN Weakness or Paralysis YES Atrophy NO Fasciculation Reflexes INCREASED DECREASED Target Muscle
Terms to Describe Weakness or Loss of Movement Definition Example Paresis Weakness Hemiparesis - pelgia No movement Hemiplegia Paralysis upper limb paralysis Palsy Weakness or no movement Facial Palsy Hemi One sided Para Both limbs Paraplegia Mono One Limb Monoparesis Quad All Limbs Quadroplegia
Corticobulbar Tracts The Corticobulbar tract controls the cranial motor nuclei that innervate the skeletal muscles of the head and neck(.i.e CN lll, lV, V, Vl, Vll, lX, X, Xl, Xll) Corticobulbar axons descend through the internal capsule and leave the tract at all levels of the brain stem to terminate on cranial motor nuclei. Corticobulbar tracts do not extend much below the medulla except to innervate the nucleus of XI in the upper cervical cord.
Location and Function of Cranial Nerve Motor Nuclei with a Somatomotor Component NUCLEUS LOCATION FUNCTION (INNERVATION) III* Upper Midbrain Muscles That Move the Eye IV* Lower Midbrain Muscle That Moves the Eye V Mid-pons Muscles of Mastication VI* Lower Pons VII Muscles of Facial Expression IX and X (N. Ambiguus) Upper Medulla Muscles of the Larynx and Pharynx XI Upper 5-6 segments of the spinal cord SCM, Trapizious XII Muscles of the Tongue
Somatotopy of Corticobulbar Tract Corticobulbar tract lies anterior to the CST in the posterior limb and close to the genu of the internal capsule and medial to the CST in the midbrain.
Termination of the Corticobulbar Tracts follow 3 Patterns: Bilateral, Contralateral or Both 1. Bilateral Pattern The corticobulbar tracts for CN V, IX, X exert largely bilateral control over the target muscle since most of the muscles involved such as the jaw, laryngeal, pharyngeal and palatine muscles need to be activated simultaneously on both sides for the normal functioning of these structures. Thus, unilateral damage to the corticobulbar tract will have little effect on the function of these muscles
2. Contralateral Pattern for Hypoglossal Nuc. (Xll) Although the corticobular tract for CN Xll ends bilaterally the contralateral input on the cranial motor neurons of the hypoglossal nucleus predominates. The axons destined for the nuclei leave the tract immediately above the nuclei and synapse on LMN of CNXll. Unilateral UMN lesions will result in deviation of the tongue away from the side of the lesion Unilateral LMN lesions will result in deviation of the tongue toward the side of the lesion
3. Bilateral & Contralateral Pattern for Facial Nerve (Vll) The facial nucleus (Vll) is located in the lower pons and is functionally divided into two parts: Neurons that innervate the upper face (forehead) receive bilateral innervation from the corticobulbar tracts Neurons that regulate the lower face receive strictly contralateral input from the corticobulbar tract
UMN vs. LMN lesions affecting the facial nucleus/nerve 1 2 3 4 Unilateral lesion Motor Cortex Post. limb, Int. Caps. Effects muscles of lower face on the Crus Cerebri opposite side VII nerve after stylomastoid foramen – Effects both upper and lower
Stroke vs. Bell’s palsy Unilateral UMN lesion Unable to move Unable to move Unilateral UMN lesion central facial paralysis Unilateral LMN lesion of the VII nerve (nucleus)
Regulation of Conjugate Eye Movements Voluntary eye movements involve CN lll, lV and Vl and can be in the horizontal or the vertical plane and normally occur in a conjugate manner, i.e., both eyes moving in the same direction
There are two major types of conjugate eye movements: Saccades - are rapid movements that redirect gaze to each a target of interest to place it on the fovea. Smooth pursuit movements - track moving objects to allow stable viewing of an object in motion Pathways for horizontal saccades are the best understood. These involve muscles and cranial nerves that move the eyes laterally and medially. For each eye the lateral rectus (LR) is the abductor and the medial rectus (MR) is the adductor. The LR is innervated by CNV VI (Abducens) and MR by CN III (Oculomotor).
Pathway for Horizontal Conjugate Eye Movements The motor commands for these movements are generated by the frontal eye fields (FEF) in the posterior part of the middle frontal gyrus. - FEF From FEF, a descending pathway reaches the pons by an undefined route
Left FEF L R Right PPRF In the pons, axons cross and end on the opposite side in the "horizontal (lateral) gaze center" in the paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF). PPRF sends axons to activate the VI nucleus on the same side MR LR CN lll MLF CN Vl
Some axons of VI nucleus leave by way of the VI nerve to innervate the LR muscle of the same side. Some axons cross to the opposite side to enter the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) to reach III nucleus on the opposite side. This results in contraction of the opposite MR muscle. Activation of left frontal eye fields will result in simultaneous contractions of right LR and left MR - Eyes to the right! Left FEF L R Right PPRF MR LR CN lll MLF CN Vl
Predict the effects of lesions A-C on horizontal conjugate gaze LEFT C Left RIGHT Right PPRF B