CIFOR Participation in PIM-FP 5 The Governance of Natural Resources CIFOR Annual Meeting, 28 September 2016 Steven Lawry
Summary of the Proposal Flagship 5 on Governance of Natural Resources seeks to: Identify actions that can strengthen tenure rights of poor and marginalized people, particularly women, and communities; Improve governance of natural resources; and Enhance constructive interaction of resource users within shared landscapes.
The flagship examines the following questions What are the drivers and consequences of tenure insecurity? What mechanisms and institutional arrangements can address threats to tenure security and strengthen tenure over land, water, and other natural resources? What tools and indicators can be used to assess tenure security and create accountability for implementation of reforms? How can the interests and knowledge of different actors sharing a common landscape be identified and reconciled in ways that better secure the livelihoods of women, youth, and other poor and vulnerable groups? How can a better understanding of political economy processes contribute to more equitable outcomes for the poorest users within shared landscapes?
The flagship has 2 clusters Cluster 5.1 – Enhancing Tenure Security This cluster examines mechanisms to enhance rights to resources in different contexts, and probes how differently assigned and protected rights contribute to productivity, livelihoods, equity, ecosystem services, and sustainable use of biological diversity. Cluster 5.2 – Governing Shared Landscapes This cluster develops institutional solutions for challenges related to disparate interests of parties with overlapping rights and claims to resources. Better management of resources and avoidance of conflicts in shared landscapes will lead to enhancement of ecosystem services and increased investments by governments, the private sector, and producers in these landscapes.
GENDER A CENTRAL CONCERN Cluster 5.1 contributes directly to Gender-equitable control of productive assets and resources (Sub-IDO CC2.1.1). The work extends beyond legal reform to encompass the remit of customary authorities and power and patriarchal attitudes that hinder improvements in women’s rights. Cluster 5.2 will explore institutional arrangements that best facilitate participation of women and young people in decisions about resource use within their communities. Particular attention will be accorded to negotiations with private investors that have bearing on use of community or common resources.
The flagship will establish strong partnerships Governments and national agencies, especially interministerial taskforces and multistakeholder platforms International agencies involved in drafting and promoting implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines and the Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment Regional and global action networks, including civil society and intergovernmental coalitions (for example, International Land Coalition) NGOs, CSOs, and customary authorities engaged in advocacy and implementation of programs Private sector and public-private platforms, such as the Consumer Goods Forum and Tropical Forest Alliance 2020 Researchers in NARS, universities, and other CRPs
PARTNERSHIPS In the CGIAR: IFPRI, ILRI, WorldFish, Bioversity, ICRAF, ICRISAT, EWMI Leading regional and global action networks: Access Initiative, Consumer Goods Forum, Global Land Tools Network, International Alliance of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples of Tropical Forests, International Land Coalition, Rights and Resources Initiative, Tropical Forest Alliance 2020 International & Intergovernmental: FAO (Voluntary Guidelines), African Union (Land Policy Initiative)
GEOGRAPHIES Cluster 5.1: Work on individual tenure issues: Primarily in Africa, especially in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia, where key reforms are considered or underway. Cluster 5.1: Work on collective land and other resource tenure will be undertaken in Bangladesh, Guatemala, India, Nepal, and Vietnam, in conjunction with FTA, FISH, LIVESTOCK, and WLE. Cluster 5.2: Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Tanzania, and other locations to be selected during the course of implementation.