Year 5 Academic year 2015-2016.
Year 5 Main topics Autumn/Spring- Anglo Saxons & Vikings Summer- Ancient Greece.
Things that Class 5 say they would like to know! Anglo Saxons & Vikings Some of the things we will discover! Invasions, settlements and kingdoms. What was village life like? About Alfred the Great and Edward the Confessor. Laws and Justice. Things that Class 5 say they would like to know! Did they wear funny hats? What were their houses like? What battles did they have? How did they communicate? What did they wear?
Literacy. Speaking and listening- debating and presentations. Reading- word and comprehension. Discussing themes, recommending books, making comparisons, preparing poems and learning a wider range of poems. Comprehension- asking questions, drawing inferences such as characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives. Summarising the main ideas and identifying how authors use language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning. Provide justifications for their views. Writing- planning, drafting, evaluating and editing. Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. Spelling. Genres- story and older literature, poetry, diary, non- fiction- letters, information, reports…
Solving problems involving all of the above skills. Numeracy. Number- number and place value, +, -,÷, x, fractions including decimals and percentages. Measurement- converting, perimeter, area, volume and time. Geometry- properties of shapes, position and direction. Statistics- tables, timetables and graphing. Solving problems involving all of the above skills. Science. Properties of materials and changing materials. Living things, habitats and biology – life cycles. Earth and space. Forces.
Geography- naming and locating countries and cities in the U. K Geography- naming and locating countries and cities in the U.K. and around the world using maps. Study a region of Europe. Computing- Presentations, programming-algorithms (set of precise instructions needed to complete a task), E- safety and how the internet works, coding, spreadsheets and animation. P.E- Invasion games, gym, Swimming, Athletics, striking and fielding and outdoor and adventurous- Grangewaters. (TUESDAY/WEDNESDAY) R.E/ P.S.H.E- Worshipping and celebrating in the home, miracles of Jesus, journey of life, best ways to live and a sense of belonging. French- Food, physical features, nationalities, hobbies, telling the time, daily routine, musical instruments and clothing. Music- throughout other subjects and clarinet lessons. Art/D.T- artist study, architects and artists in history, sculptures, fairgrounds and cooking.
Homework Days homework is due in : Monday – Any extra projects. Tuesday – Times table challenge. Wednesday –Reading records checked (minimum of 3 reads to an adult each week). Thursday –Spelling homework. New spelling pattern and activity will be given. Friday -Maths homework.
Expectations Bands Band 4 Beginning Band 5 Working in Band 5 Secure in Band 5 Mastery Beginning Beginning + Working in Working in+ Secure Secure+
Communication Note in homework book or by letter. Tuesday by appointment. Half termly drop-in to view work. Letters are put in school bags- listed on newsletter and available on website. Reply slips/money through class pot system. T.L.C- November 10th @3pm and 12th @6pm.