Brief News Update Of Special Occasions We’ve Been Having
Dear Friends of our Community, Last year we were honoured to have visitors to our Monastery, ranging from new friends, to bishops to the papal vestments of Pope John Paul II and Sr Lillian’s Profession this year! Here are a couple of photos to update you on the occasions that we’ve had the pleasure to share with you
A group of American Knights from Dallas came over to pay a visit last year.
We were honoured to have the vestments of Pope John Paul II with us in our choir for two hours in the afternoon!
Visit of his Excellency, Fr Magro OFM during his stay last year.
Archbishop Paul Cremona OP, chatting with our community during the Christmas festivities.
.... Sr Lillian can be seen in these photos just after she made her temporary profession Sunday 5th February. Here she is second from right just after mass with some of the celebrants who attended...
Here she is second from left, ready to cut the cake at the end of the reception....
In the meantime, we continue living our daily lives, made up of work, ...
Or maybe enjoying the view of the Port .......
Or enjoying Jesus in the tabernacle in our free time....
We do not forget our benefactors who strive daily to help us lead our lives the way we are. So we are also pleased to present another slide show showing some photos of the way our church was during these past months!