NWHPEC Board Meeting July 27, 2017 via Telecom In Attendance: Jennifer Ayers, Richard Carroll, Mike Funke, Steve Richardson, Alex Thomason, Frank Twardoch, Julie Simmons Adjourned: 12:52pm Financial Update (Mike): Overall, financials are positive for the year and covering fixed expenses. Layout showing year-to-year comparable is still in work with Kim. Old Business: One-Pager Doc: Julie presented the latest versions of the one-pager document and received the following feedback: The Board had a lot of discussion as to whether the iconography used in the new circle graphic (attached in the 4 & 5 designs) implied a cycle where one piece lead to another. The general consensus was “yes” and this was not something we wanted to convey. They liked the feel of the original circle graphic (attached), but liked how the original puzzle pieces (attached) showed connection. They didn’t care for the outward facing arrows on the original puzzle pieces. They all agreed we needed to keep “Culture of Continuous Improvement” in the center. All Board members liked the classes listed on the bottom, not the side. Lots of discussion around adding the 5th element of “Community of Performance”. They wondered if this element is a core value within companies or an operating pattern. Steve suggested having a “community” and “learning” mindset probably needs to be in place prior to an organization joining NWHPEC. Many of the blue supporting classes could also fall under the Developing People operating pattern. The Board wondered if we could show the Community of Performance element as overarching to all of the other elements. The name “Community of Performance” didn’t resonate with a couple of Board members. Julie and Vance will clean up the words inside the operating patterns and supporting classes. Julie has shared this feedback with Caitlyn and will work with her on the next iteration to be shared with the Board. Event Updates (Julie): Learning Tours: No change in number for year. Woodfold’s August LT has been rescheduled to October 31st. Next up: Columbia Machine on September 19th. Training Classes: Axiom Electronics has requested to host two Intro to Lean classes, Oct. 3rd & 4th. Michael Schmich will teach these classes. Both classes have been announced and Julie will announce them again the week of July 31st. Executive Forums: 1. Lean and the Human Element completed its final session July 11th. Julie and team met for a debrief session and Graduates class planning session on July 12th. A second, follow-up meeting will be held on August 24th. Ideally, the Graduates class(es) will be held Fall 2017. Julie is still in talks with Dan re his availability to facilitate a LHE series in 2018. 2. Mike Hoseus was scheduled to deliver a 3-day event in November. The Board has elected to cancel this session due to the upcoming Leadership Session and follow-up sessions. Julie will communicate with Mike. Leadership Sessions: Gary Peterson is scheduled to deliver a LS on October 25th. The session will be on Strategy Deployment at OC Tanner. We will follow this session with a practical “Challenge Creation” session on November 15th lead by Scott Simmons. A Stir-the-Paint session is scheduled for December 13th with this group; Scott will facilitate this session. Next Board Meeting: August 24, 2017 Hosted by: ESCO Corporation at Montgomery Park Steel Conference Room Time: Noon – 2pm