Diploma Requirements Edith K. Pickens February 7, 2013
New Diploma Requirements Approved by the AL State Board of Education January, 2013 New graduation requirements have been approved and will begin with students entering ninth grade in August, 2013. There will be one high school diploma for students graduating from Alabama high schools, unless local school boards approve additional diploma options.
New Alabama High School Diploma A total of 24 credits is needed to graduate. English – 4 Credits (No change) Math – 4 Credits including Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II with Trig or Algebra II or their equivalent (No change) Science – 4 Credits including one biology and one physical science (No change) Social Studies – 4 Credits including world history, US History (2 Courses) and Government/Economics (No change) LIFE PE or ROTC – 1 Credit (No change) Health - .50 Credit (No change)
New AL High School Diploma Changes Career Preparedness Course – 1 Credit This course includes career and academic planning, computer applications, financial literacy. (Replaces Business Technology Applications) CTE and/or Foreign Language and/or Arts Education – 3 Credits Students choosing CTE, Arts Education, and/or Foreign Language are encouraged to complete two courses in sequence.
Recommend that the Board of Education Approve the Following Options Allow students in grade 8 to earn high school credit for Algebra I and Geometry. Allow high school students to have the option to graduate early with the following conditions: Students have met all graduation requirements. Students may graduate one year or one semester early.