IMPORTANT PROCESS FOR GRADUATING STUDENTS 2016-2017 “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” - Eleanor Roosevelt Congratulations to the graduates of the 2014-15 school year. Today, we have a short presentation for you to discuss some important information and necessary steps for you to complete over the next few weeks while at DSSS.
Next Steps for Graduates.. Graduation Requirements Research and Preparation Applications Complete your Course Selection & Exit Survey As you begin to select your post secondary destinations, it is important to make sure you are on the right track to graduate. It is your responsibility to make sure all of the requirements for your graduation are met and to indicate your next post-secondary pathway. In order to do this, you must log on to But first, if you haven’t already done so, you must complete your Exit Survey.
Please Check Our Website Regulary Announcements
Grade 12 Checklist Print It!
Detailed Info Month by Month Step 1: log onto your account to check your courses and credits are up to date. Click on High School Once you have logged into your account, click on High School Planner
Be sure to check your Graduation Requirements: Click on View Progress to ensure at least 30 credits will be earned by June 2017. 18 compulsory and 12 optional Click on the view progress icon on the right. This will indicate your process towards graduation. By June 2016 you should be on track to earn 30 credits. 18 compulsory and 12 optionals. If there is a concern with this please see your counsellor immediately.
Graduation Requirements continued… Next, be sure to check your literacy requirements and weather or not you have completed your 40 hours of community service. If you have not yet completed all of your hours, you must complete and submit your forms to the guidance department by April 1 in order to graduate this year. You also will need to complete your hours to purchase PROM tickets. In addition, it is most important when choosing your post secondary destinations, it is imperative that you have a completed all requirements for the selection process. If you need help with where to earn your hours, please continue to check the volunteer board in guidance for opportunities.
Graduation Requirements continued… Review the following diploma requirements: Literacy Test Completed At least 40 hours of Community Service Next, be sure to check your literacy requirements and weather or not you have completed your 40 hours of community service. If you have not yet completed all of your hours, you must complete and submit your forms to the guidance department by April 1 in order to graduate this year. You also will need to complete your hours to purchase PROM tickets. In addition, it is most important when choosing your post secondary destinations, it is imperative that you have a completed all requirements for the selection process. If you need help with where to earn your hours, please continue to check the volunteer board in guidance for opportunities. **ALL HOURS MUST BE COMPLETED BY March 21st, 2017 Otherwise, you won’t be able to purchase PROM tickets!
Research and Preparation
Make sure that you have all the prerequisites for your program! Review Requirements Make sure that you have all the prerequisites for your program!
Research the colleges/programs
There is app for!
Colleges Offer: Certificate program (1 year) Diploma programs (2 years) Advanced Diploma programs (3 years) Bachelor Degree programs (4 years)
Post Secondary Fair at DSSS One of the best Secondary Fairs in Peel! Coming to DSSS on November 10th, 2016 Make sure you clear your schedule and attend this evening! Prepare your questions in advance
OYAP – Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
OYAP continued….
College Applications Begin applying to Ontario College Programs at Make sure you have the following ready Your social insurance number Your OEN number Your complete home mailing address Payment Format (credit card strongly recommended) $95 Program choices (the above fees covers a maximum of 5 programs)
University Applications You must pick up your OUAC PIN from your counsellor (mid-end of November – Date TBA) In December, start applying to Ontario University Undergraduate Programs at Click on the Undergraduate Application (OUAC 101) Click on the “101 online application” then you will click on the “Login” icon
University Applications continued… Make sure you have the following ready when you apply: Your PIN and school number (included with your PIN) Your OEN number Your complete home mailing address Credit Card number to pay $150 for 3 program choices $50 per additional choice of program or any changes Program Choices with the OUAC program code
Scholarships, Bursary and OSAP Continue applying to scholarships Bursaries are based on financial needs and you can apply for them at the specific university after you accept your offer You can apply for OSAP as soon as you get your university or college student number at
Date of Full Disclosure November 24, 2016 for semester 1 April 28, 2016 for semester 2
Mark Uploads to OUAC/OCAS October 4th, 2016 November 24th, 2016 February 8th, 2016 April 25th, 2016 May 5th, 2016 July 5th, 2016 August 16th, 2016
Private School Courses You are responsible for ensuring that this school submits the course information and all updates to DSSS and to the OUAC. If the course information is missing from your application, you must contact that school and request that they submit the missing information to DSSS and to the OUAC. high-school-information/
DEADLINES!! University Application DEADLINE: JANUARY 11th (11:59pm) College Application DEADLINE: February 5th (11:59 pm) To those student applying to Universities and Colleges be MINDFUL of the Deadlines. January 13th for University application and February 1st for College applications.
Apprenticeship OYAP forms are due November 4th! Speak with the co-op teachers for more info Look into college programs Check out the following websites:
Work Place
Course Selection and Exit Survey
IMPORTANT STEP!!! Click on Not Returning and indicate your plans for next year. If you are a student who is NOT RETURNING click the drop down menu to select and indicate your plans for next year. Indicating your plans will help us keep statistical information on our graduates. As counsellors, we not be able to meet with each one of you and this will help us know the direction you chose as a post-secondary destination. This will also help us get a total number of grauates for the 2015-16 year.
Interested in Returning? If you are a graduate, but you are interested in returning, please book an appointment with your counsellor to discuss your options. NOTE: If you are a graduate interested in returning YOU MUST Sign up on the Wait List in the Student Services Office! No Guarantees!
Interested in Returning? CONTINUED… If you are a grade 12 student who will not have enough credits this year to graduate in June 2016, please choose your courses. In addition, it is important to book an appointment to see your counsellor to discuss things further for next year and to see if there are other options for you to earn your credits. If you are NOT going to graduate THIS YEAR then YOU MUST SELECT YOUR COURSES NORMALLY
All grade 12 students MUST complete an EXIT SURVEY on!! If you don’t complete the survey & the course selection for next year, you will not be able to pick-up your PIN number! Lastly If you have not done so already CLICK on the Exit Survey and complete this ASAP. Click Here and Complete ASAP.
Exit Survey From the Home > Dashboard tab
To Pick-up Your PINS You must complete the Course Selection You must complete the Exit Survey You must have your student ID card on you
Commencement Ceremony will be on June 30th, 2017! Summary Ensure you are on track to meet the Ontario Secondary School Diploma Graduation Requirements by June 2017. Commencement Ceremony will be on June 30th, 2017! Complete your research and prepare for the applications (at least 5 college program choices and/or 3 university program choices) All grade 12 students MUST complete the Course Selection during the timelines that will be outlined, indicating your program pathway (Work, College, University, Apprenticeship) or selecting courses. If you are not returning you MUST complete the EXIT survey and indicate your So some reminders: Remember to check your graduation requirements on myblueprint, Select courses if you know you are not a graduate but are in grade 12 select courses for next year. if you are a graduate and wish to return you must see your counsellor. If you are a grad and know for sure that you will not be returning please indicate this along with your pathway. Remember ALL grade 12 students need to complete the EXIT Survey. Remember check your Office 365 email account encase the guidance department must communicate important information with you.
Have more Questions? Book an appointment with your counsellor Review this Presentation which will be posted on our school’s website. Not sure which courses to take if you are returning, make suree you see the requirements needed on electroicinfo or Ontario colleges. Choose courses wisely. If your are really concerned and an appointment is for some reason not possible, yet you still require help from a counsellor, don’t worry counsellors will be available 1st half of lunch periods on February 11th and 12th to help with course selection.
As Grads Remember… You are developing into responsible members of society who are sensitive to the diversity, cultural and special needs of all members of our greater community. “Be The Change You Wish To See In The World” ~ Gandhi One last, but important point. Remember you are a Suzuki Grad. What you have learned at this school over the past four years is important as you go into post secondary and beyond. You have learned how to be responsible members of society and to be sensitive to diversity, cultural and special needs of all community members. Remember to demonstrate respect for the environment, along with social justice and human rights at all times. We encourage you to always make a positive difference and “Be the Change”.