KOREAN PAPER ART http://www.hanjiwa.com/
History of paper Paper seems to have been invented around 100 BC in China. In 105 AD, during Han Dynasty a paper-making industry was run by the government. Mixing finely chopped mulberry bark and hemp rags with water, mashing it flat, and then pressing out the water and letting it dry in the sun.
History cont’ How to make paper
Korean Paper Art Paper making method was introduced to Korea from China around 380 AD with Buddhism. World map
http://hompy. buddhapia. com/homepy/hanji/default. asp http://hompy.buddhapia.com/homepy/hanji/default.asp?view_page=Photo_A&h_cd=&h_addr=&iCidx=281&iAlbumIdx=&iPage=&iPidx=