Early Models and Astronomers May the Force be with you Ch 27 & 28 Astronomy Early Models and Astronomers Planets May the Force be with you Shoot for the Moon Objects in Space 100 200 300 400 500
Model where planets revolve around the Earth Answer
Geocentric Home
What astronomer proposed the Geocentric model? Answer
Aristotle Home
Who proposed the Heliocentric model? Answer
Copernicus Home
The law that describes the path of a planet that orbits the sun is called ________ Answer
Law of Ellipses Home
What astronomer said planets moved in epicycles, which are little circles as they went around Earth? Answer
Ptolemy Home
What is the least dense planet that also has bands and rings made of dust and ice? Answer
Saturn Home
What is the largest planet in the solar system? Answer
Jupiter Home
Planet who’s axis is almost parallel to its plane of orbit Answer
Uranus Home
What planet gets its color from large amounts of methane? Answer
Uranus Home
What 2 inner planets are most alike in their size and mass? Answer
Venus and Earth . Home
Degree of elongation of an elliptical orbit Answer
Eccentricity Home
The time required for a body to complete a single orbit Answer
Orbital Period Home
Force that PULLS on a body in space Answer
Gravity Home
When a moving body remains in a constant motion unless acted on by an outside force Answer
Inertia Home
Pattern in which is appears as though the planets are moving backward relative to the stars Answer
Retrograde Motion Home
The force of gravity between Earth and moon cause _____ in bodies of water Answer
Tides Home
Dark areas on the moons surface Answer
Mare Home
When the lighted part of the moon appears to increase, the moon is said to be __________. Answer
Waxing Home
This occurs when the shadow of one celestial body falls on another celestial body Answer
Eclipse Home
Name one lunar surface feature Answer
Answers may include: Mare, rilles, ridges, craters, regolith Home
Fragments of rock that orbit the sun Answer
Asteroid Home
Small bodies of ice, rock and dust that follows highly elliptical orbits around the sun Answer
Comets Home
Any part of a meteoroid that didn’t burn up when entering the Earth’s atmosphere and reached Earth’s surface Answer
Meteorite Home
Region that starts beyond Neptunes orbit which contains dwarf planets and other small bodies of ice Answer
Kuiper Belt Home
Large cloud of dust and ice believed to hold nuclei of billions of comets and possible origin of our comets Answer
Oort Cloud Home