Symposium: Driving Toward IDS Collaboration • Catalyst • Community Symposium: Driving Toward IDS PRESENTED BY: D. Tucker Slingerland, MD Hudson Headwaters Health Network Sept. 17, 2015
Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Saratoga AHI Timeline 9 Counties Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Saratoga St. Lawrence, Warren, Washington 9 Payors Medicare (FSS), Medicaid, BSNENY, CDPHP, Empire BCBS, Empire UHC, Excellus, Fidelis, MVP 11,000 Square Miles 700,000 Total Population
Pay for Performance (P4P) Transforming Care Pay for Performance (P4P) $0.50 PMPM Utilization Quality Patient Experience Engaging Stakeholders Case in Brief – Adirondack Medical Home Pilot: Five-year pilot to generate health care value. Key objective is to transform physician practices into NCQA-recognized medical homes Launched in January, 2010; codified by New York State legislature in 2009 Supervised by both New York State Department of Health, Department of Insurance
AHI PPS Current Status AHI PPS Plan Valued at $187,000,000 Final Attribution (valuation) 143,640 Governance: to be finalized September 30, 2015. PPS lead entity = AHI Implementation Plan submitted 7/31/15 Contracting process is underway, including contracts for services & performance based agreements
Population and Network Adirondacks ACO 25,000 Medical Home 100,000 PPS 144,000 (Medicaid: 94,000 Uninsured: 50,000) NETWORK
Partnerships Members Corporate Membership Partners Adirondack Health Glens Falls Hospital Hudson Headwaters Health Network UVHN Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital UVHN Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital Hudson Headwaters Health Network Partners
Shared Vision: Regional Population Health Efforts are underway to address the PPS Governance and Management needs, but needs to be done as part of an overall regional approach to Population Health Management. As you are aware, there are many initiatives with similar population health goals, including the Medical Home, ACO, and others.