An Emerging World Power 1890-1917 Chapter 11
The Roots of Imperialism Imperialism is when nations seeks to extend their political, military, and economic control over weaker nations Is the United States imperialistic today? In the late 1800s America decided to follow Europe’s imperialistic behavior into Japan Europe used these countries to extract resources like oil, iron, and tea wanted to be able to sell their excess manufactured goods in these countries
The Roots of Imperialism America and Japan Commodore Matthew Perry Alaska- “Seward’s Folly” Since America already had “sea to shining sea” they had to look to the Pacific Ocean if they wanted to keep with their westward movement Commodore Matthew Perry sailed to Japan, Perry was allowed there by showering the emperor with gifts Told them that they should open trade with America They said yes In 1867 Sec. of State William Seward purchased Alaska for $7.2 million This was called “Seward’s Folly” or “Seward’s Icebox” Oil!!! And Cold War
The Spanish-American War Spain strongest imperialistic nation in the 1600-1700s end of the 1800s = the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Cuba Yellow journalism William Randolph Hearst were exaggerated stories used to gain support for the rebels William Randolph Hearst was the leader in publishing these stories
The Spanish-American War De Lome letter USS Maine McKinley sent the U.S.S. Maine down to Havana to protect the Americans who lived there A Spanish Ambassador wrote a letter stating that McKinley was weak and stupid, Hearst published the letter the Maine blew up in Havana killing 266 An investigation was done by the Navy -declared that it was a mine it was actually an accident
The Spanish-American War April 11, 1898 America declared war on Spain Teller Amendment Commodore George Dewey 400 Spanish died, 0 Americans U.S. Marines captured Guantanamo Bay in Cuba T. Roosevelt led the Rough Riders into battle San Juan Hill Spain agreed to make concessions and end concentration camps but it was too late Teller amendment- U.S. would NOT annex Cuba Commodore George dewey- led us troops in the phillipines Many of the soldiers waiting to be sent to Cuba gathered in Tampa, FL obsolete weapons and spoiled food due to inefficient and corrupt officials 3000 Americans died in the Spanish American war, but only 380 died in battle The war was nicknamed “a splendid little war” because it proved America’s ability to easily beat a European power The Spanish tried to escape but the Americans had created a blockade to prevent them they surrendered
The Spanish-American War The Treaty of Paris 1900 opened with America as a new empire and strongly involved in world affairs Should we take over new land today to regain power in the world? Why or why not? Treaty of Paris forced Spain to give Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Guam up as well as sell the Philippines to the US for $20 million
Imperialist Need for raw materials and markets for American Industry New technological capabilities Importance of Naval Power Alfred T. Mahan Competition with the European Powers Golden Opportunity “white man’s burden” Social Darwinists Markets- high protective tarrifs limited trade among industrialized nations so needed non- industrialized nations to trade with New technological capabilities- steamboat, railroad, improved rifle, machine gun, telegraph, and telephone made it possible to settle previously uninhabitable land- especially in the tropics Sea power- the influence of sea power upon history in 1890- develop a strong navy, large fleet of merchant ships and bases to refuel at- colonies, recomnded the building of a canal through panama to better transport goods and ships- teddy Roosevelt was a devoted follower of mahan’s ideals- speak softly and carry a big stick European powers- already carving up Africa, asia, and the pacific, wanted to keep up with the European powers Golden opportunity- last Spanish possessions fell into Americas lap- Philippines could not be given back to Spain, but according to American experts they were not ready for self rule- so America had to help White man’s burden- superiority of the anglo-saxon- had to help those less fortunate Social darwinists-
Anti-Imperialists Immoral and went against American democracy Feared colonies would become a cheap source of labor Feared conflict with other imperial powers****
The Phillipines Why expand? What happened? Important People? Effect?
Cuba/Puerto Rico Why expand? What happened? Important People? Effect?
Hawaii? Why expand? What happened? Important People? Effect? America had been trading with Hawai’i since the 1790s Helped them amend their constitution to only allow white planters to vote The American’s grew concerned about their power Queen Liliuokalani took over who was Anti-white abolished the constitution The American planters called for the U.S. minister of Hawai’i, John Stevens, to bring in the Marines Seized power and established a new government Sanford Dole asked Pres. Benjamin Harrison to annex Hawai’i- would not and neither would Cleveland Pres. McKinley supported annexation of Hawai’i so he signed and Hawai’i became a territory in 1898
China/Japan Why expand? What happened? Important People? Effect?