Perfect SAS leading style Is it possible? Helmy Mashaly
Introduction The link between SAS doctors and The point of contact between them and the support teams both educational and managerial Positive impact on overall NHS services Improvement of SAS doctors knowledge and skills Improvement of SAS doctors morale Linking the group leading to productive work Exchanging experience between leads improvement How to achieve efficient leading? SAS leads are: Efficient leading Achievable
Background SAS leading is not only a SAS fund management SAS lead should exercise reflection to improve the role Good ideas and innovative ways to improve the SAS group come from collective thoughts shared by all the group and led by the SAS tutor
Aim To appraise the role of the SAS Lead To highlight the fact that reflection for developing the best style of SAS leading is the best way for improvement To critically appraise the quality and innovative ideas and services for our region SAS tutors
Methods Review of literature highlighting SAS lead responsibilities Critical appraisal of relevant topics Reflective collection of published guidelines for SAS fund Reviewing SAS leads activities in our region via designed Questionnaires
Working life improvement SAS doctors problems Work recognition Working life improvement Educational needs 1 2 3
50% of overseas doctors have full contract Work Recognition 10 years back 50% of overseas doctors have full contract 49% of those work in A/E Lack of recognition by politicians, patients and even fellow medical staff. Absent from political and media debate about health BMA – claimed discrimination as blocking career for SAS doctors – better recognition and training 2006 2 years later – SAS doctors fund put in place British Medical Journal BMJ 2006:332dol:
Working life improvement Secretarial and managerial support needed for SAS grade doctors Appropriate and continuing educational and training support Improved opportunities to develop new skills for those in surgical specialties Seniors Caring Development Postgraduate medical Journal, Postgrad Med J2005;81:49-54 doi:10.1136/pgmj. 2004.0295 12
Used study leave for CPD Educational needs 2005 Survey Blocked higher specialist training Dissatisfaction and dissolution Lack of appraisal (at the time) No portfolio No appraisal Used study leave for CPD 30% 30% 50% Are we going to get better? Emergency Medicine Journal Emerg Med J2007;24:118-119 doi:10.1136?emj.2005.033763
A list of 25 who has impressive records 2006 The hidden heroes 2006 A list of 25 who has impressive records 2006 Time to recognise SG and AS SAS new contract and fund 2006-2008 Wales on line - February 2006
The SAS fund ? Trusts Negotiations started 2006 with the new contract Started on 2006 but fully implemented in October 2008 Not ring fenced and included regrading Guidelines Who is to manage it? Different arrangement SAS Tutor ? Trusts
SAS lead (Tutor) Leader Facilitator
SAS lead is Adviser Motivator Researcher Appraiser Teacher Mediator Manager Coach Negotiator F A C I L T O R Colleague
% of time
SAS lead to avoid to be Boss Critic Examiner Leader Assessor BMA rep
SAS lead basic duties Courses Colleagues Self development Arranging courses, venues, catering etc. Searching courses – develop. doctor and care Building up relations with course providers Negotiating the best course expenses Colleagues Building up relations with colleagues Communicating closely Help and motivate colleagues and candidates looking to apply for CESR Self development Attending educational meetings Attending appropriate courses and meetings for own development
SAS lead perfection of duties Variable course providers Postgraduate certificate/diploma in generic courses Accredited courses, RCS & RCP and on line courses Help in PDPs preparation, appraisals and job plan Chair meetings on regular basis Top up training or special skills Arrange day out Build website for the group Develop yourself further (appraiser/educational supervisor) Keep up to date with SAS doctors and fund news Work closely with BMA representative at the LNC
SAS fund utilisation guidelines Generic courses Specialty courses Postgrad qualifications Freedom to decide Reflection on usage Several variable guidelines Guidelines Which courses are relevant to achieve the goal? No guidelines MY guidelines
Basic uses of the fund The goal is development of SAS doctor which will lead to improved patient care Relevant generic courses including appraisals and revalidation Helping SAS doctor to develop new skills both clinical and non clinical Getting higher qualifications or posts Additional top up training to prepare for CESR application
Extended uses of the fund Getting career progression E learning and e-portfolios Implementation of a mentoring scheme Web site and forums E-learning and e-portfolio Secondment and backfill Guidance from BMA SAS Committee, 2009
SAS fund not for Replace study leave courses To spend on trips or courses which do not have relevant benefit to patient care To buy devices or hospital equipment To pay application or exam fee for CESR Funding courses for SAS doctor working in the private sector BMA, advice and career progression, updated August 2016
Benefits of SAS fund Maintenance and enhancement of existing skills 1 2 3 4 5 Maintenance and enhancement of existing skills Acquisition of new skills Support innovative initiatives Improve morale and job satisfaction Taking up management and leadership role Better team working and motivation BMA, career advice, Benefits of funding, updated August 2016
Questionnaires Basic duties and performance Any innovative initiatives My questionnaires Basic duties and performance Any innovative initiatives The value of diversity Any new innovative Interaction with the SAS group initiatives
Results SAS lead duties Best practice Improvement What could be improved? Reflection on overall results
SAS doctor as a lead
SAS leads duties
Extended activities
Best SAS lead practice/ideas Meetings Regular SAS leads meeting Regions meetings suggested coordination Regional SAS Tutor + Associate dean Coordination of activities Sharing Regional website Sharing courses and ideas
What has been improved? Better management of fund Better course selection Better management of fund More doctors motivated for CESR Career advice and progression is easier Overall improvement of morale
What could be improved further? Multiregional courses sharing National development website High quality educational meetings More recourses for SAS development
Issues Gradual reduction of SAS fund What to do with other grades/locums? Sufficient time for managing the job
Conclusion Good communications between SAS leads with sharing information and ideas is the best way forward to shape the quality of SAS leading style
Credentials/SAS training programme The future SAS leading Innovative ideas Regional SAS Tutor Better cooperation of SAS leads/trusts Better and continuously updated guidelines Sharing ideas between regions Sharing courses reduce the expenses Credentials/SAS training programme
References 1- Tokin T. Show leadership qualities, SAS doctors told. BMA [Internet]. 2016 [last updated 2016 May 26] Available from: 2- Dashora U, Mukherjee S. SAS doctors are unaware of training opportunities. BMJ careers [Internet] 2015 [published 2015 Nov 20] Available from: 3- BMA 2014, SAS doctor. SAS development fund. 2014 [last updated 2016 August 12] Available from: 4- Emerg Ned 200:118-119doi:10.1136/emj.2005.033753
References – cont. 5- Wales on line 2013, The hidden heroes of the NHS. 2006 [updated 2013 Mar 19:0830] Available from: 6- BMA 2014, Using the fund: England. 2014 [updated 2016 Aug 12] 7- A Dornhorst1, J Cripps2, H Goodyear3, J Marshall4, E Waters5, S-A Boddy6, on behalf of the Improving Working Lives Intercollegiate Committee. Postgrad Med J 2005;81:49-54 doi:10.1136/pgmj.2004.029512 8- BMJ 2006; 332 doi: (Published 16 February 2006) Cite this as: BMJ 2006;332:383
References – cont. 9- BMA 2012, Development funding FAQs, 2012 Jun 22 [updated 2016 Aug 16] Available from: 10- BMA 2012, Role of the SAS tutor. 2012 Jun 13 [updated 2016 Aug 16]