Welcome to the Tanzania LUD 2nd Land Use Dialogue in the Ihemi Cluster, Southern Tanzania 12-14 June 2017 Iringa, Tanzania.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to the Tanzania LUD 2nd Land Use Dialogue in the Ihemi Cluster, Southern Tanzania 12-14 June 2017 Iringa, Tanzania

Welcome Dialogue Co-Chairs Jennifer Baarn – SAGCOT Mary Ndaro – CARE International Michael Nkonu – IUCN Steven Nindi – National Land Use Planning Commission

in Tanzania Gary Dunning The Forests Dialogue Ihemi LUD2 12 June 2017 Iringa, Tanzania

Need for a Landscape- Based Approach Challenges Deforestation, degradation and water pollution; Competing interests for land and natural resources; Growing effects of climate change; Lack of coordination. But few practical models

Elements of a Landscape Approach A process or strategy to reconcile competing land use interests; Multi-stakeholder and cross-sectoral; Recognizes the multi-functionality of landscapes; Balances local needs and global development objectives; Understands trade-offs between different land management choices to identify policy options, investment and development opportunities.

Land Use Dialogues Objectives Practically test and evaluate the Landscape Approach; Create new more inclusive learning model of engagement between global private sector actors and local stakeholders in key, high risk landscapes; Realize more sustainable and inclusive forms of development.

Land Use Dialogues Activities Initially support pilot platforms in several countries (Brazil, Tanzania); Expand LUD Network to include Uganda, Ghana, DRC. Explore in Chile, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Mozambique, Thailand Develop tangible, measurable, implementable actions for impact on the ground and among partners.

Land Use Dialogues Outcomes Create locally developed ideas and actions informed by international initiatives; Develop shared landscape vision; Enhance learning on practical implementation of the/a landscape approach; Help companies fairly and effectively address the drivers of deforestation in their supply chain; Create a global community of practice around implementation of the landscape approach.

Asante! TFD Documents and Publications Available electronically at: www.theforestsdialogue.org Follow us on Twitter: @forestsdialogue Like us on Facebook: the forests dialogue The Forests Dialogue New Haven, CT, USA +1 203 432 5966 info@theforestsdialogue.org www.theforestsdialogue.org