Education Team Skill Set Training
Ice Breaker Name Where you’re from Something interesting about you What attracted you to CityLink
Objectives Learn about the Education Program at CityLink Understand the volunteer roles and processes How to create a positive and progressive learning environment for adult learners
Education Programming Day/Time Description Day/Time Description Academic Solutions M & W: 12:45-4pm Tu &Th: Class offered by Cincinnati Public Schools (CPS) partner for Clients pursuing their GED or College/Career Readiness Location: Classroom M and Computer Lab Study Tables CityLink Program M &W 12:45-3pm Tu & Th: Study option for Clients enrolled in Academic Solutions Location: Café PREP (Providence Reading Essentials Program) M-Th: 12:45-3:30pm Focused session for Clients who need to improve basic literacy Location: Classroom H and Computer Lab
Academic Solutions Prepares Clients for GED test Instructors teach in classroom setting and students have individualized learning plans Provides opportunity for adults to improve academics, employment opportunity and life Transitions GED and High School graduates Allows clients to avoid expensive remedial classes Provides information and instruction for placement tests
Study Tables Supported by CityLink Volunteers Independent study opportunity with option of working 1:1 with volunteers Clients complete worksheets in various subjects in accordance with a personalized lesson plan
Reading Essentials (PREP) Provides students with the essential phonetic and comprehension tools to improve their reading skills so that they can Enroll in GED class Comprehend written material and study for own self-advancement Communicate more confidently via paper or email Improve overall communication skills if English is not their native language Additional training needed
PREP PREP Staff CPS Staff CityLink Center Staff Academic Solutions Supports volunteers in the specified area PREP Staff CPS Staff Lead Study Tables Volunteer CityLink Center Staff Does not support volunteers in the specified area PREP Academic Solutions Study Tables Shiftboard, CityLink info, and general inquiries Michael Harr –T/TH Mr. Reeder, Ms. Sherry, & Ms. Foster for M/W classes Thomas and Brad from YWCA for T/TH classes Mark Evans – M/W Paige Klein Director of Volunteer Mobilization Beth Smith
Volunteer Roles Lead Volunteer (Academic Solutions Study Tables) - Prepares class materials, folders and assignments for Clients Classroom Aide (Academic Solutions) - Helps Support class by assisting the instructor and Clients
Volunteer Process All Education shifts are scheduled with a 15 minute buffer allowing volunteers time to prepare Upon Arrival Sign in at the Welcome Center > pick up yellow lanyard > grab nametag If needed, retrieve materials in/on the black filing cabinet located in the Resource Room, in the CityLink Center Staff office area Lead Volunteer be sure to grab attendance sheet for Study Tables and the Client Survey Packet (only for last class of the session) Report to your serving space If running late/leaving early Director of Volunteer Mobilization or VISTA Email or call 513-357-2000 ext. 0 or 1003
Attendance Policy 3 absences policy for Academic Solutions & PREP - Asked to contact Service Coordinator after 4th absence Not permitted to class if 15 minutes late
Academic Solutions Classroom Aide Class is lead by CPS Instructor Volunteer Opportunities to Support Clients Take attendance Hand out class materials Help Clients with class work Assist students working on the computer Distribute Client Surveys at last class of the session Position yourself so you can be seen by Clients (they need to see you to ask for help)
Study Table Class Layout Lead Volunteer responsible for preparing materials (30 minutes or less) picking up the attendance sheet from Welcome Center and distributing Client Surveys during last class of session Make sure Clients sign attendance sheet Make sure each Client has their folder Work 1:1 with Clients Position yourself to be seen by Clients (so they can see you to ask for help)
PREP Class Layout Attendance is taken by Beth Smith Gather appropriate materials for Client Work one-on-one with Client
Tips for Working with Adult Learners Build relationships Ask good questions Avoid asking “Do you need help?” Instead ask, “Can you show me what you’re working on?” Encourage students to explain their thinking Avoid doing the student’s work
Next Steps Shiftboard Sign up for shifts on Shiftboard Check out the Volunteer Manual Download Shiftboard App