National Development Strategy 2016-2030 Shifting from agrarian economy to agro-industrial economy. This will take place in three phases (5 years each): First phase (MtDS 2016-2020) – Transition to the new model of economic growth, creating conducive environment for investments, increase of local production for export and import substitution; Second phase (2021 – 2025) – Rapid growth of investments to the economy contributing to industrialization; Third phase (2026 -2030)– Industrialization, based on knowledge and innovation, diversification and competitiveness of production; Financing sources: Expected sources of National Development Strategy (2030) funding: total cost estimated around 118,1 bln USD; state budget - 47,5% private investments and foreign direct investments - 46,3%, development partners contributions 6,2%, (source NDS - 2030, p 28)
Mid-term Development Strategy (2016-2020) Promoting new economic growth based on effective institutions; Attracting private sector investments in to the real sector of economy and infrastructure; Increasing production of export-oriented goods and services contributing to import substitution; Facilitate creation of productive employment; Financing sources: Expected sources of Mid – term Development Strategy (2016 – 2020) funding: total cost estimated around 25.5 bln (USD) state budget – 54 %, private sector - 36%, development partners - 10% (Source MtDS (2016-2030), page 109)
Mid-term Development Strategy (2016-2020) 1. INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY STRENGTHENING: Improving Public Administration Efficiency Business Environment and Investment Climate Improvement Public-Private Partnership (PPP) MID-TERM DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF RT FOR 2016-2020 (PRIORITIES) DCC CLUSTER AND EXISTED WGs CHAPTER II. INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY STRENGTHENING DCC Cluster 5: Governance: 2.1. Improving Public Administration Efficiency DCC WG № 9 - Public Administration Reform DCC WG № 10 – Rule of Law DCC Anti-Corruption WG (thematic) 2.2.Business Environment and Investment Climate Improvement DCC Cluster 6: Economic and Private Sector Development: WG № 11 - Private and Financial Sector Development 2.3.Public-Private Partnership (PPP) DCC WG № 11 - Private and Financial Sector Development
Mid-term Development Strategy (2016-2020) 2. IMPROVING EFFICIENCY AND DIVERSITY OF THE REAL SECTORS’ RESERVES , CAPACITY AND COMPETITIVENESS OF THE ECONOMY: Industry Agrarian Sector: Food Security and Access to Quality Nutrition Fuel and Energy Complex Transport and Communication Infrastructure Financial Sector External (Economic) Sector CHAPTER III. IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY AND DIVERSITY OF THE REAL SECTORS’ RESERVES AND CAPACITY AND STRENGTHENING COMPETITIVENESS OF THE ECONOMY DCC Cluster 1- Natural Resources, Cluster 2 – Food Security & Nutrition, Cluster 3 – Infrastructure. 3.1. Industry DCC Cluster 6: Economic and Private Sector Development : WG № 12 – Regional Trade Facilitation? 3.2. Agrarian Sector: Food Security and Access to Quality Nutrition DCC Cluster 1: Natural Resources: DCC WG № 1- Agriculture and Land DCC Cluster 2: Food Security & Nutrition 3.3. Fuel and Energy Complex DCC WG № 4 Energy 3.4. Transport and Communication Infrastructure DCC WG № 5 Transport 3.5. Financial Sector DCC Cluster 6: Economic and Private Sector Development: WG № 11 3.6. External (Economic) Sector DCC WG № 12 – Regional Trade Facilitation
Mid-term Development Strategy (2016-2020) 3. HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF SOCIAL SERVICES: Demographic Change Management (population management) Productive Employment Education and Science Health and Longevity Social Protection Culture Human Habitat Reducing Social Inequality CHAPTER IV. HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF SOCIAL SERVICES DCC Cluster 4: Human Development 4.1. Demographic Change Management (population management) DCC WG № 6, 7, 8 4.2. Productive Employment 4.3. Education and Science DCC WG № 7 - Education 4.4. Health and Longevity DCC WG № 6 – Health 4.5. Social Protection DCC WG № 8 – Social Protection 4.7. Human Habitat DCC WG № 2 – Water and Climate Change 4.8. Reducing Social Inequality (Gender) DCC Cluster 4: DCC WG № 8 – Social Protection 6.2 Monitoring and evaluation system UNDP – MTDS M&E and SDG - Presentation