Enabling Policies for Women’s Economic Empowerment Renee Laiviera NCPE Commissioner
Gender Mainstreaming 1995 - main strategic objective to achieve gender equality 2000 - Official Government policy Co-ordination of implementation Implementation – responsibility of Ministries and Entities 2012 –reiteration of assessment and monitoring NCPE – analysis of reports received Simplified reporting template. 110 reports in 2016
Gender Mainstreaming - Training and information sessions & online tools - Proposal to include gender mainstreaming in legislation
Legislation on Gender Equality Equality for Men and Women Act, 2004 Prohibits discrimination and sexual harassment Employment, banks and financial institutions, education and vocational guidance Sets up the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE) with investigative powers Access to Goods and Services and their Supply (Equal Treatment) Regulations, 2008 Prohibits gender discrimination in the access to and supply of goods and services
Awareness Raising Initiatives Equality Beyond Gender Roles EU co-funded project Men’s role in gender equality Benefits of family friendly measures Challenging stereotypes Online social media campaign Roving van exhibition ‘Theatre in Education’ Training & Business Breakfast for employers Events for post-secondary and tertiary students; and for the general public
Awareness Raising Initiatives Equality Mark Certification
Awareness Raising Initiatives Training Dialogue with stakeholders Complaints investigation Presence on media – 110 contributions in 2016 Social media & website
Support Mechanisms for Economic Empowerment Free childcare for parents in work and in education – 3,366 children Breakfast Club Programme – 3,362 students Klabb 3-16 after school care programme – 1,174 students
Support Mechanisms for Economic Empowerment Extended Maternity leave benefit for employees and self-employed women Maternity Leave Trust to combat discrimination in recruitment Extended paid Paternity Leave in public administration
Support Mechanisms for Economic Empowerment Tapering of Benefits Scheme ‘Parent Computation’ Tax Category Combating Precarious Employment
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