Alma enjoyed a fun play date with her little friend Ben April 2012 Updates: Alma is out and about! Alma enjoyed a fun play date with her little friend Ben
Ben and Debbie spent a fun morning with us, exploring and playing Bottom: Alma calling emergency services as Ben falls out of the frame...
When the traffic grew too heavy in the living room, we moved outside to cool down in the shade
Water fun for all to share!
Alma and Ben really enjoy their Tiny Tots gym class at the YMCA
After the class we enjoyed a shopping trip together to ALDI After the class we enjoyed a shopping trip together to ALDI. Alma was in charge of the shopping list.
Alma and I enjoyed a fun day at Lollipops soft play centre
Alma participated in a little dance “class” (right) And we had a ride together in the teapot carousel
Dorothea came to visit, this time to do another of her breath tests for her PhD research project. This time Alma could blow in the breath test balloons all by herself, without a mask. Luckily, Hahgoot was obsessed with blowing up balloons that day, so that kept the motivation going (the test takes about 5 hours, so the game becomes a bit old after a while...)
Between blowing up balloons the ladies kept themselves busy with bubbles, sand and water in the yard.
Dorothea helped Barak assemble the new trampoline for the yard, to the girls delight.
Alma enjoys the yard very much, especially when smelling or watering the plants.
I played with Alma on the grass outside our unit, that is a common property of the strata. It didn’t last for long as she kept trying to escape and run to the road.
One of Alma’s favourite parts of the day is going out to pick Hahgoot up from school. Recently she has been enjoying sitting on the benches outside the classrooms and “riding” with her dolly.
Alma always travels in style, usually with a doll in hand. She can now ride the scooter like a pro!
Time to rest the news from Alma a bit and move on to some updates from Hahgoot!