Council Funding Report January 17, 2017
Grant Summary Innovate Memphis uses a nationally-proven model to work with government, business and community leaders to develop and deliver new solutions to some of Memphis’s most pressing challenges. Objectives (Current Projects for the FY17 Grant) Emergency Medical Services: Manage ongoing pilot programs, the roll-out of select IBM recommendations, and develop new pilot programs to reduce overuse of our emergency medical resources and reduce response time for emergency personnel. Blight: Lead the delivery and ongoing development of the blight data warehouse, the Memphis Property Hub. Evaluate and develop the next iteration of the Bluff City Snapshot. Bring best practices from other innovation cities to address code enforcement and data-driven decision-making. Youth Gun Violence: Continue leadership and oversight of youth violence intervention efforts (901 B.L.O.C. Squad), prevention efforts (Safe Summers) and reform partnerships. Customer Service: Launch a project to improve customer satisfaction, eliminate duplication and improve sustainability practices associated with waste collection and landfill dumping in downtown Memphis.
Expense Summary FY 17 Grant allocation (1 of 2): $193,500.00 $179,500 In addition to these grant funds, Innovate Memphis works to raise >$750,000 in support of these same initiatives, roughly $2 for every $1 of City investment. Expense Budget (Jul-Dec) Actual Balance Budgeted as X% of total Staff/personnel $133,000 $105,000 $28,000 69% EMS Pilot: Nurse Dispatch tech development $19,000 $21,000 ($2,000) 10% EMS: Marketing and education $2500 $1330 $1170 1.3% EMS: Training $2000 $1111 $889 1.0% Blight: MPH development $11,500 $11,000 $500 6.0% Blight: Learning Forums $3000 $4625 ($1625) 1.5% YGV: Event admin and staff support $5000 $8865 ($3865) 2.5% YGV: Event supplies and food $2854 ($854) YGV: Program evaluation support $1000 $350 $650 0.5% YGV: Program marketing support $420 $80 0.3% Total $179,500 $156,555 $22,945 93%
Progress/Highlights Emergency Medical Services Provided project management and support for the Healthcare Navigators who deliver pre-hospital care to 315 patients who were calling 911 3 or more times per week. Developed and prepared two new pilots for delivery in this quarter to reduce emergency room trips for our vehicles and personnel for non-emergencies, keeping them in service. Leveraged City funds for additional support from foundations for $60,000 with three other grants pending that would total an additional amount >$300,000. Expanded partnerships for service impact, patient outcomes and pilot evaluation to include CoActionNet, University of Memphis and Christ Community Health Services. Blight Launched the Memphis Property Hub, a blight data warehouse that aggregates data from across the City, County and other partners. Performed training on Property Hub and surveyed user groups to improve the next release. Brought affordable housing expert to provide Memphis housing market analysis for key divisions. Evaluated Bluff City Snapshot program and drafted report for release next month. City investment in technology is matched 3:1.
Progress/Highlights Youth Gun Violence Expanded the Safe Summer program from 4 to 6 weeks and from 4 to 5 locations to provide a safe zone and programming on Friday and Saturday nights in our target areas. 3100 participants 0 violent incidents Improved data collection and evaluation practices for 901 B.L.O.C. Squad’s growing client list, which has grown to nearly 200 in the past eighteen months. City support is matched by >$300,000 in private support for these programs. Customer Service: Developed proposal and progressed to finalist stage to become a What Works City, a technical assistance grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies. Solid Waste: Research phase Completed comprehensive environmental scan of 20 citywide and neighborhood-based solid waste programs that reduce costs from landfill dumping while setting standards for cleanliness. Included stakeholder interviews on CleanStat programs in multiple cities to evaluate performance improvement practices for solid waste, litter and blight.