GIS Data: Using it, Finding it, Storing it Hannah fIscher Senior research librarian Congressional research service The views expressed herein are those of the author and are not presented as those of the Congressional Research Service or the Library of Congress.
My Background: MLIS & GIS Training Map of the Sahel Region: Energy Resource Deposits, Extremist Group Areas of Operation, and French Troop Deployments. Published in Esri’s Mapping the Nation after receiving a release from the Congressional office.
Agenda ArcGIS Online Free Accounts: Mapping Data Quickly GIS Data Sources Storing GIS Data: a SharePoint Intranet Example
Putting Data in Context: ArcGIS Online An example of the kind of map we can make using ArcGIS Online and other mapping programs.
Common Formats of GIS Data ShapeFiles, or .shp KML files, or .kml (Google Earth files) Geodatabase, or gdb Feature services CSV Files, or .csv (often from Excel) Excel files (need to geocode these or, if longitude and latitude data is included, need to find the XY data)
Selected GIS Data Sources Geodata ArcGIS Gallery Department of State Humanitarian Information Unit Census TIGER line boundary files National Historic Geographic Information System United Nations Humanitarian Data Exchange State Data Clearinghouse from DeLorme
GIS CenterPoint: Our Intranet & Data Sharing Space
GIS CenterPoint Data Library
Questions? Contact Information: Hannah Fischer 202-707-8989