will/won’t (predictions) You’ll pass your exams. I think I’ll have a big family one day. He won’t like that TV series.
will/won’t (promises) I won’t tell anyone your secret. I promise I’ll pay you back tomorrow. I’ll finish this report today.
will (offers) I’ll help you with your luggage. I’ll open the door for you. I’ll get you a glass of water.
will/won’t (decisions) (the phone is ringing) I’ll answer the phone. (At a restaurant) I’ll have the steak, please. (the students are complaining about the day of the test) OK, I’ll postpone the test for next week.
shall (offers) You seem to be thirsty. Shall I make you a cup of tea? You look hot. Shall I open the window? Shall I…? is used to make offers, always in question form.
shall (suggestions) I don’t want to eat pasta again. Shall we eat out tonight? There’s nothing good on TV. Shall we go to the movies? Shall we…? is used to make suggestions, always in question form.